Planning a break up Chpt. 14

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Okay so another story fun were still working on Minicat but they will get back together just you wait. Okay let's start
Dream world

I appear in a amusement park or something I'm not sure, it looked like the one I was at a long time ago when I was young I can't remember much. As I was walking around I noticed something, it was Craig and Tyler when they were younger, today must have been the fair, but what else happened. As I got closer they were going on the Faris Wheel so I decided to get the one behind them even if I might exactly know what happened. The faris wheel went around a couple of times until it stopped, Tyler and Craig were at the top.

I got out of my seat and climbed over to them,
" Hey, um, Craig, I kind of wanted to tell and show you something" Tyler said, " What is it" Craig responded,
" Well, ever since we were younger than now, I kind of liked you and I didn't know what these feelings were at first, till I let it grow, and I wanted to show you is this" he ended the sentence, and grabbed Craig's face and kissed it.
Then it hit me like a bus, this was the day I helped Tyler and Craig become what they are now, or was, the ride moved and I fell off of and everything went black...

I jolted out of my bed breathing heavily, it was 8 a.m. and I know I missed dinner. I got out of bed and walked outside my room at the time there was a knock at the door, I ran downstairs and got to the door and opened it, Craig was there and so was his mom,
" Well, it's nice to see you again, Delirious, how have you been" she said, " I have been great actually I went to the mall yesterday with my brothers" I said, " Welp, I love you son, I will see you later bye" she said with a hint of sadness, " Bye mom" he responded emotionless, I closed the door, " Alright Craig I have an idea to get you and Tyler back together" I said, he makes a scowl, " Like it would work, he hates me more than ever" he said, walking to the couch and hoping down, " Actually he hate me more than you, because I was the reason you got in this situation and I'm going to get you out of it" I said.

" Well what do you want me to do huh, beg him to come back even if he got a girlfriend, I think not" he said, " No, but we have to make their relationship break, I need to know everything about when he meets his girlfriend and I'm going to have to be another person at school and I know that it might be a little hard to avoid some of the other kids" I said,
" Let's go to the basement to plan this out" I said, and grabbed his arm and ran. Once we got to the basement I called Luke down here too, " Alright, Luke you are going to help us with something" I said, standing infront of the white board, " And what might that be?" He asked, " I'm so glad you asked, the plan is to break the relationship between Tyler and his girlfriend, and since you hang out with him and his friend more than I do, you might know when he sees his girlfriend" I asked, " Well not to sure, I will try to help you, hey I got an idea why not we call over Brianna to help us" he said, " thank you so much for that" I said and raced upstairs to the phone.

As we waited Luke was trying to think when the couple meet throughout the week, than the doorbell rang, I went upstairs to the first floor and opened it, " Hey dude why did you want me to come over" Brianna said, I grabbed her hand and took her to the basement,
" well since you are a girl you might help us with something" I said, " if this is very sexual I will call the police" she said, " Nope no intention of doing any of that, but anyway this guy over here with curly short hair with glasses, that Craig and we're trying to help him get his boyfriend back" I said, " Okay tell me what you got in store for me" she said, " Well you know Tyler's girlfriend, I was thinking you might help us sabotage their relationship, you might know when they meet everyday" I asked, Brianna smiled, " Dude you are asking one of the most smartest person to know all about everybody, and John I know your Delirious because I know you voice and laugh and you hang a lot around Luke so I knew it was you, as for Tyler's girlfriend, let's say their in the same classes and they go over his or her house at the end of the school day or to the park on the weekends, but sometimes they change it, and I know that at the fair I know what ride their gone on and when the time is when they are on it" she said proudly, I was shocked mostly everybody was shocked at what she said, " Well it's a good thing you called her Johnathan or we would have some problems with everything about Tyler and his girlfriend Lucy" Luke said.

" Alright, since you know a lot about every kid in the school you might know when she's going to go to the bathroom, and her social media, but the question is how do you know so much about them" I asked, " Well you see I'm related to Lucy, but I do hate her a lot since she's a bitch and yeah I know the times of her bathroom break and social media", " Alright than I guess you can mess up their social media and can you get her to cheat on him" I asked, and she dated to laugh, " make her cheat on him, I didn't even have to do my job she already is, and I have proof, and bathrooms her and her men go their to make out everytime" she said, " Good, Craig you have to send Tyler love letters say that her secret lover is wait for him somewhere, and than Brianna you tell us where Lucy and her boyfriend is going to be at, and have Tyler see them kiss and he will be lonely and come back to Craig, but before we do that we need to mess with their life before we do that" I said planing, " so what should we do before hand and you guys have to come up with an idea or this might not work" I said, " alright maybe I can send Tyler nasty grams on my sister's phone and have them be apart for a while" Brianna said, " Good, how about you two" I asked Luke and Craig, " Maybe I can mess up the sports he's in with putting flour in a bag so it like cocaine and put it in his locker" Luke answer, " Great, your left Craig" I said, " I got nothing, wait Mayberry when his girlfriend is walking towards him and there a girl next time him I can bump into the girl and so they could kiss each other" he answered, " Perfect, this plan might work, guys I think we will call it a day for plan making, let's come back tomorrow and add more ideas" I said, and they all cheered.

We went upstairs and crashed for a while watching TV since the planing took a long ass time to do, my stepmom came in a gave us some drinks and snacks, " Hey, Brianna, I didn't know you were here I'm happy to see you again" Alex ran over to her and gave her a hug, " Hey lil' man how have you been" she responded, " Great and I told Carrie what you told me to tell her and she was so happy that she actually kissed me on the cheek" he said with glee in his voice, " High five lil' man you actually got her to kiss you, I'm pretty proud of you", they both high five and stated to watch TV, " Hey do you guys want to go to the park I mean it is nice outside" my stepmom yelled out from the kitchen, " Yeah since it's kind of boring watch tv let's go guys" I said and we got up to leave the house, but not without my mask.
1450 words anyway that's another chapter done I don't have much to say about what's happening today but anyway bye see you in the next chapter

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