Chapter nineteen

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I saw Megan sitting on Jason's lap making out with him. Hunter talking on the phone angrily, and cam with his head in his head. he looked depressed.

“what the hell is going on here" I screamed glaring at Jason and Megan in the chair.

both of their eyes shot up and looked at me. laila my wolf was getting ready to ripe both of their throats off.

it took me all the self control in the world to not pull Megan by the hair and make him pay for swapping spit with my boyfriend.

I wanted to kill Jason for being unfaithful to me. I was kidnapped for crying out loud and he was making out with another girl. I was beyond furious I was literally boiling with anger.

I was just about to get ready to attack both Megan and Jason when cam ran up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and squeeze me into a tight hug.

“ what the hell happened" he asked concerned “ I was looking everywhere for you I swear I was but I couldn't smell you." he whispered his face just centimeters away from mine.

I could feel his breathing in my face. I saw  anger flashed in his light brown eyes then he looked worried.

“ what happened" he said touching all over my face to look for bruises or something I remembered when my mom was alive she us to look at me with the same worried expression and caressed my face like that.

“I was kidnapped" I whispered with tears falling down my face i heard Jason and Hunter gasp as Megan just rolls her eyes.

“oh please she's just pretending like she was kidnapped her stupid self is tricking you all. she just want attention don't thou see gee ugly a-"

“that's enough" cam growl when anger leaking out his voice hw said “ Jason if you don't put your female dog in a leash I will"

Jason looked at me with sorry and regret written in his eyes “ I am sorry Hailey I-"

I cut him off with a cold glare “ I don't want to hear it Jason. DON'T you dare talk to me after what you did with Megan. how could you? I trusted you. you were my only chance to having

something good in real in my life. I thought you were my forever, but I went missing for 2 days and you cheat on you. I don't want to hear your lame ed exuse it's over. you can take your ugly h-"

Hunter cut me off“ my dare,dare, Hailey you have lost Jason he cheated on you. I am available you know". he said moving his eyebrows up and down.

“I would never date you if you were the last man alive" I patted at him.

He looked furious “ one day you will be begging for me by then it would be to late"

“oh, you mean how you're doing right now,well it's to late" I said with hate in my voice.

he walked out the door fuming with anger. Jason looked at me one more time then slowly walk out the room with Megan in his hands as soon as they left the room I started crying.

how could he I thought. I cried and cried and cried until my eyes were red and puffed up. I continued crying cam wrapped his arms around me as sat on

the floor crying and him sitting next me holding me tightly promising me that everything was going to be okay.

“ no it isn't " I shuddered my voice sounding a little different. “ no one loves me,no one likes me I deserve to die I killed my parents for crying out loud. this is gods punishment for me!!!!" I screamed bawling in the floor.

“no one likes me, I will never feel love both of my mates hurts me. I will never know what love is I will only see it in t.v I don't deserve to live. what's the point of living if I have nothing to live for."

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