Chapter 1

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It was a normal Friday, I went to school like any high school senior. After the day had ended I made my way to my house where nobody really cared about me. When I had arrived at the house my parents were fighting just like usual it was over something small and stupid. As soon as I seen them fighting I went to go to my room to get away from all of it. But my mother had noticed that I was at the house she screamed my name. I knew this was my one chance to get out of her war path. I ran to my room as fast as I could but as I reached my door my mother had a hold of my arm. She then drug me to the living room of the house, she called me names and beat me until I was unconscious.

~~~ Time Skip~~~

When I had regained consciousness I silently and quickly made it to my room. I stuff as many clothes and valuables in a backpack as I could. I made sure to grab my phone and charger, laptop and my camera. I quietly made my way out of the house I was never coming back. I got into my car started it up and made my way to the friday night football game. You see Im one of the well known girls who have to keep up their rep to survive in this school. I paid to get in and I parked my car pretty close to the stands as the games was about to start. I headed to our huge student section, the Black Hole. Now that I have let you into my life a little let me introduce myself. 

My name is Gracie May, I'm from a small town called Quincy in southern Michigan. I'm 18 years old, I have one older brother and no sisters. Some fun facts about me are: I'm color blind I only see in black and white, My favorite animal is a Cow, My favorite place to be is on a beach or somewhere I can be alone. I'm a senior in high school and hopefully soon to be Graduated so I can move out of this hell hole of a town. 

Now back to where I was. I had reached my friends in the student section just before kick off. The game started and everyone was having a good time but me. I pretended like I was having fun and not trying to figure out where I'm going to go since I just kinda left home. Once the game ended, we had won which was pretty good since we suck, I waked with my friends to congratulate the boys at the locker rooms. We were all talking and having a good time, as time went on everyone slowly started to leave. Where as me I made a makeshift bed in my car in the back of the student parking lot. I knew that this wasn't ideal but it was sleep in my car or go back to the house to get beaten for leaving. 


I woke up to my alarm going off signaling that I have to get up or my car might be towed. I changed my clothes and got in the front seat to head to my friend Payton's house where I knew I could hang for the day and help out on her farm. Once I arrived I was greeted by the family dog, a corgi named Royal. I then made my way into the house to be greeted by Momma D who was the sweetest and most kind hearted women I know. 

"Hey, Honey! Payt is in her room. I'm not sure that she is up yet, you know she is on Saturday mornings." Mamma D said with the brightest smale that makes you smile.

"Thanks Mamma D. I will wake her up." I replied as I walked up the stairs to Payt's room. As I opened the door I see Payt passed out on her bed. I slowly and quietly walked to her bed and the I yell. "Good morning Payton!" She flailed around on her bed and eventually fell off on to the hardwood floor. 

"You know its bad luck to scare a sleeping person." She replied as she got off the floor

"Ya but its really funny and I'm usually the one getting scared! So it's fair." 

"Whatever you say, girly."

We headed downstairs where Mamma D had a full spread breakfast laid out like every Saturday morning. Once everyone was awake and downstairs we started to have breakfast. After breakfast Payton, Brian (Payton's dad), Cailyn (Payton's sister, and I all headed out to do the chores for the day. When we finally got done it was 7 at night. I said bye to my favorite family and tried to find a safe place to sleep for the night. I have never told any of my friends about my situation at home, I always made excuses for why we couldn't hang at my house. I hadn't even told my best friend who I tell everything to. 

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I hope you liked my first chapter please vote so I know if I should keep writing this story! Thanks Darbs! 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2017 ⏰

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