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Ok, I am just in LOVE with this gif!!!!! Here are two this week to make up for last week. I just got a job in a floral shop!

You hummed to yourself as you moved the slowly scrambled eggs around in your pan. Tost popped out of the toaster making you jump slightly. You shook your head at your tense mind and finished up with the eggs.

You had been having trouble sleeping lately now that you were dating one of the smartest men you knew who had one of the most dangerous jobs out there. Spencer was the sweetest boyfriend, especially considering the last one you had. You called him up last night to be with you after you were rudely woken up by a horrible nightmare.

You jumped again when you felt two arms snake around your middle and pull you to a warm chest. Spencer sighed as he leaned his chin on your shoulder, his breath tickling your neck. You relaxed into his arms, smiling.

"Good morning, beautiful," he whispered as he watched you place eggs on two plates fitted with strips of bacon.

You leaned your head against his head for a moment, putting away the pan and taking up the plates. "Hello," carefully you turned in his arms, the plates in your hands held on either side of you, "sleep well?"

Spencer nodded, smiling as he spoke. "Who knew sleeping with you would be relaxing and a chore at the same time."

"Guh," you scoffed playfully stepping out of his arms, "it's not my fault I keep getting these nightmares. The OJ is in the fridge." You went to your table and placed the warm plates down, the fridge opening and closing behind you.

"But you do pull the sheets."

You shrugged as you turned to look at him, leaning against the table and crossing your arms. "Talk to my unconscious self about that. I wake up cold every night despite it all anyways."

Spencer poured two glasses as he spoke, "This morning even?"

You let out a little laugh, dropping your arms as you leaned over to him, smirking. "It was almost too warm this morning."

Spencer strightned quickly, almost knocking over the drinks. Clearing his throat, he turned away from you and placed the orange juice back in the fridge.

"You were the one who called me over, remember? It's not my fault you forgot two bodies produce more heat than a blanket could trap with one."

Your smirk grew as you cocked your head to the side and watched his uneasy frame bumble about for a moment before he sat down at one of the plates. His face was a bit red and he kept his gaze averted. You shook your head endearingly.

"You're cute when you blush," you stated as you took your own seat across from him.

Spencer looked up and gave you a shy smile. "You're cute when you sleep."

You rolled your eyes and let out a breath. "I thought I told you not to watch me when I fell asleep. It's creepy." You gave a fake full body shiver.

"Now who's blushing," Spencer smirked.

You narrowed your eyes as you lifted your cup to your lips. "Shut up and eat your breakfast. It's getting cold."

Spencer smiled as his shoulders moved with a silent chuckle. You smiled into your cup as you drank. The two of you fell into comfortable conversation as you ate. It felt natural, the two of you sitting there in the morning light with full stomachs and smiles after a night of just sleeping peacefully in each other's arms.

But all too soon your morning of bliss was torn away from you. Spencer's phone went off and after a few seconds of him looking at it, he gave you a sorry look. YOu let out a breath and sat back in your chair, throwing a napkin on the table.

Dr. Spencer Reid Reader InsertsWhere stories live. Discover now