Gotta Be You Fanfic:)

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                “Raleigh! Come on!” One of my friends yells to me running through the airport. “I’m coming!” I reply. I was falling behind my group of friends. We were still a ways away from our gate and our plane would depart in less than twenty minutes. That left us less than ten minutes to get to our gate and get all settled in our jet. We are on our way to London, England, and we are racing through Newark’s airport, praying that we will board on time. With all my carry-ons it’s difficult to keep up with my friends, and I am now at least thirty feet behind them. I hear them call for the last few people to board my plane and I panic. I am almost there, and suddenly I see someone I would know a mile away. I stop abruptly. I see my friends go into the terminal just as the door is closing and I instead of rushing to get on my plane, I go the opposite direction. In the direction of Harry Styles.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2012 ⏰

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