Chapter 99

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A couple of weeks had passed since I had that encounter with my mom at Mason's birthday party and so far Sabrina doesn't have a clue that she showed up at our house. I'd prefer to keep it that way too.

Mason and I were sitting on the couch, staring out the living room like two puppies because the tour had ended and that meant Dad was coming back home. Sabrina went to go pick him up at the bus terminal while we stayed back and tidied up for his return.

"Why is it that as soon as Dad gets back we start school in a few days?" Mason complained.

"That I couldn't tell ya."

We jumped off the couch as soon as we saw the car pull into the driveway and we opened the front door, running outside. My dad opened his door and engulfed Mason and me into a tight, bone-crushing hug.

"I missed you two so much!" He pulled back, smiling down at us. "I'll get settled and unpacked and we order some pizza for dinner?"

Mason and I both nodded our heads and went back inside the house, our parents following close behind. While our dad went upstairs and unpacked his things, Sabrina took down the orders for what we all wanted and we waited for our food to arrive.

While we were doing so, Mason was telling our dad all about the things and new friends he had made while he was away at camp. So far he hadn't asked me what my summer consisted of and I was grateful for that.

"Cass, what did you do once you came back home?" He asked, smiling.

Let's see, I ran into my crazy birth mother, stupidly helped her bring up a house, and stepped foot into it several times without Sabrina knowing, oh and she showed up at Mason's party to give me a spare key.

"Just hung out with Aubrey and Jace, did my chores and that's about it." I lied.

"Well, she recently started going on walks too," Sabrina added.

Remind me to buy tape and tape her mouth shut. I mentally face palmed myself after she had said that.

"Walking? Where to?"

"I walk into town and go through the neighborhood. I don't travel too far from the house."

My dad looked at me suspiciously, cocking an eyebrow. "That doesn't sound like you to be walking, you practically hate daylight." He laughed.

I scratched the back of my neck and shrugged my shoulders. "I just don't want to feel like a prisoner in the house and save money on gas, I figured I'd walk and get myself some exercise as well."

Sabrina and my dad just nodded their heads and continued with talking and eating dinner. I just dodged a major bullet with them, especially my dad. If he knew I had any contact with my birth mother I'd be grounded to age sixty.

I mean, yeah it was wrong, but after the whole blowout at her house, I don't think I'll be having any more contact with my birth mother ever again.

Daddy's Little Creature (Sequel to All That We Have Left)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now