Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I don't own naruto it belongs to Kishimoto. Thanks, Ana.

A/N: Hey guys! I got this great idea while at work and I thought I'd try it out. I'm thinking hard on all my fics so just wait a bit while I finish writing them out, 'kay? Thanks! Also, Sarada and Shinnosuke are aboit 11 in the first chapter.

Chapter One

"Sasuke-kun, no don't!" Sakura screamed hand outstretched and mouth, open eyes wide in horror as she tried to stop him but it was no use. He cut down a small black haired girl in cold blood right infront of her. Sakura stopped and balled up her fists, 'No!' She thought. Sasuke turned towards her his face crazy with his manic smile and the blood dropping from his left eye. He laughed and tossed the girl in the air, Sakura gasped but her words caught in her throat as he skewered a beam of lightning into the little girls body and it sent her flying.

"Ahh!" Sakura screeched as she sat up eyes wild.

"What is it?" A low deep voice asked tiredly but still alert.

Sakura scrambled away from the voice and her eyes widened in shock as she fell off the bed into blackness. Sharingan eyes surrounding her she screamed again this time it was her being skewed but by a chidori to the heart. The man had grown to be larger than the kyuubi and his laugh made her bones and teeth rattle.

"Nooo! Stop it Sasuke!" Sakura finally screamed, her body lurching upward but another body holding her close this time. She looked down her clock was going off on the nightstand and a small body clung to her waist shivering.

"Shin?" Sakura said pulling the boy up. "Shinnosuke, what's wrong?" She asks.

"You were dreaming again Mom." The young boy says softly, his black eyes covered by his black bangs.

She sighed and smiled tenderly, "Were you trying to protect me?" She asks her hand in his hair.

The boy blushed then nodded, "Dad isn't here to, so I have too.." He whispered. A young girl stood at the foot of the bed with a teddybear in one arm and her other hand rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

Sakura was speechless, "Momma, you were screaming so loud that it alerted the Anbu." The girl spoke finally, behind her were two bear and cat masked members of the elite anbu. Sakura stood up, face red.

"Mrs. Uchiha, we were passing by and we heard your screams. Parden our intrusions, we thought you were in trouble." They said bending into a bow one hand across there chests.

Sakura went quiet, "Thank you, but it was only a dream. Thank you." She says and bows back fake smile on.

Shin stayed expressionless, the anbu gazed at Sakura for a moment before dismissing themselves and disappearing as fast as they'd appeared.

"Momma, I don't feel good. Can I stay home today?" The girl asked faking a cough.

Sakura smiled, "You can stay home if you have a fever, red throat or you're about to throw up Sarada, but if you don't have any of those problems it's off to the academy young lady." Sakura said with authority.

Sarada knew her mother was one of the best medical ninja of her era and could assess her in seconds so she nodded and went to her room to get ready for classes. Shinnosuke said nothing and left the room to do the same. He finished quickly and headed towards the front doors.

"Shin! Don't leave without eating breakfast!" Sakura shouted hearing him easily. Shinnosuke sighed but went to the kitchen and stood before her waiting for his plate politely. Sakura smiled at him and handed him his plate telling him to be careful not to drop it.

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