Chapter 2

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I dont own Naruto nor do I own Boruto in any way, shape or form. Thank you.

It was a normal summer day in Konoha. All the kids were either too young so running around playing about or older and at the Ninja Art Academy learning. It was really hot out so most were in thin or otherwise summerized clothing. Sakura was on a double shift at the hospital and Naruto was full up with paperwork. Hinata and Himawari were tending to the graves at the cemetary and Sasuke was out on another spy mission. He'd found several clues and even a scroll while following beings into a different dimension and was going to report back to Naruto on the matter. Shino was teaching and Kiba was on an S ranked mission away from the village. Kakashi was doing his usual, now that he wasn't Hokage he had more time to relax with a book or two when not needing to clonk Naruto on the head with it that was. An Hokage should not! fall asleep in a meeting no matter how worn out he is and Naruto was good at that.

Shinnosuke's POV

Boruto and Iwabee were arguing as per usual when Boruto was slammed into me. I try to ignore them, tch, idiots. Boruto stands back up and goes charging in again for round two. I can't believe he's the Hokage's Son and he acts so foolishly. Soon the two are in a full out brawl and all the kids are chasing after them to watch the fight. I follow no interest except to see if Lord Sevenths Son gets pumbled. They end up at the indoor training area and are facing eachother while talking crap to piss eachother off. I watched for a little while, quiet while the other students from the class were shouting dozens of different things all at once. Even Sarada was shouting but atleast her words were able to be made out. I watched Boruto get his butt handed to him and without a word, I left. When everyone was being escorted back to the classroom and being scolded by Shino-Sensei I just stayed silent, hands together and under my chin. I looked at the window and tried to ignore Sarada talking to me. After classes I handed in my work and walked out, ignoring the students running up to join me. I noticed Sarada was among them, she was irritated because I had left the match between Boruto and Iwabee and because I was supposedly sulking all through class. I sigh exasperated and continue on with my walk home, hands shoved into my shorts pockets and head down so my bangs were swaying in the wind. "Hey Shin, why the attitude huh?" ChoCho asks munching on chips.

"Hn." I keep walking.

Sarada puts a hand to my shoulder and I look at her, glare and shrug her off. "Hey, what's wrong with you?" She asks.

I shrug again and then walk away from them and forwards the apartment mother had to rent out until the house was repaired after she angrily punched it into nonexistence. Once home I lay down and stare at my hand for a while. When bored enough I get up and open the window, I jump out my window and climb to the roof and sit. After a while, I lay back and without warning am ocosted by a purple aura. It enters through my mouth and everything I see goes blank and it's like I'm awake but asleep at the same time.

Boruto's POV

The same strange aura that had a hold of Denki is calling out again. Last time it used Denki to try and masacre a few bullies and I alike. This time I can feel it's out there again but with who and why? My eye starts to itch again and the clear vision I get from it sort of stings, it's like looking through a looking glass! I take in a breath and then release it. "Hey Shikadai! It's happening again! That aura is back." I say.

"Really? Where is it?" He asks looking about on guard.

I look around but shake my head, "I can't see it but I feel it." I say and start walking. We pass several people who are actinf normal and I see nothing alarming around them or on them. No purple glowing aura and no odd activity. After a while, we run into Shinnosuke, he's swaying about and walking towards the lake. "Hey! Shin..." I stop myself when he turns and the purple aura is cloaking him. He turns, eyes blank but expression angry and eyes suddenly glowing and spiraling. He's still for a moment then in a burst of air he's beside us and he uses a palm strike. Caught off guard I go flying back and hit into a fence. Scraping my arm and drawing blood. I glare, Shikadai is being held up in the air by his throat and seems very uncomfortable, his teeth bared and squinting one eye. "Hey! Put him down Shin!" I shout angrily and pull him off. 'How is he this strong?! Is it that purple aura!?' I think.

"I will, get my revenge." He says voice sounding hallow, almost void and robotic.

"Revenge about what? Shin!" I shout angrily.

Shinnosuke's face seems to turn sadistic, a smile on his face and his red eyes scanning up and down. "No where to run, no where to hide, today is the day both of you die. Hahahaha! The user of the Jougen must be taken down!" The voice doesn't sound like Shin's and the fire style justu he uses is larger than he can usually flare up. The flames scorch my arm and sends me barreling into a tree. At once he's copying my every move, when I go to make a jutsu he's following as if mirroring me. His eyes still dual.

"Listen to me, Shin! You're being used! Please, understand this!" I shout and Shin's eyes flicker before he grabs his temples and tries not to scream out in what looks like agony. A sudden flame comes at us and he starts attacking with hand to hand combat. I smash into an unfinished building with so much force that the impact causes long pipes of steel to crash to the floor around us. Shin smashes through the downed frame work. 'At this rate, the whole place is going to collapse on top of us. We have to take out that aura surrounding him or we'll never stop him.' I think then look at Shikadai who looks like he's troubled.

He sighs, "How Troublesome." Shikadai says and goes for a paralyzing shadow. Once he's still, I strike him in the middle of the chest with my open palm and notice Shin grip my arm tight. His hands are glowing like flaming coals and I scream when the burn hits me head on.

"Boruto! Are you alright?" Shikadai asks, losing grip of his shadows and falling to his knees with exhaustion. I jump back and watch Shin start floating on purple, he disappears and the purple glow is gone. We chase after him and around dusk we find him seated by the lake. He's staring at the water, our chance is now so we grab him and tackle him swiftly to the ground and I can see the purple again. He lashes out, hot white anger read in those now Onyx again eyes still dualed with purple clouds. After wrestling back and forth we manage to get a reaction, the purple mist spouts off something unintelligible then leaves and Shin's eyes go back to normal. We won against the enemy but what is the enemy anyways and why take over Shin?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2019 ⏰

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