№ 17 | you're beautiful already

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"hey idiots" jupiter greeted the group of teens she called friends from the stairs, not even having to look to know they were playing some dumb game on the console.

she walked into the kitchen, grabbing an apple from the table and making her way through it into the living room. she sat down on the last seat on the couch, which happened to be next to wyatt, and smiled at the boy.

he was so fucking perfect.

everything about him was just so amazing to jupiter- his hair was so cute, and she just wanted to reach out and touch it, but he was so kind and funny as well.

sophia was wiggling her eyebrows from the other side of the room, and jupiter rolled her eyes, biting into the apple.

"so, what should we do today, amigos?" finn asked, taking his eyes off the tv screen.

"well, we could go to the mall? i need to get some stuff." jupiter suggested after swallowing down a chunk of apple.

"uh yeah! the mall sounds really great guys, let's go to the mall!" wyatt agreed. if they went to the mall, that could give him and his crush some time to talk- alone for once.

so, 20 minutes and one wrestling match (that jupiter won by the way, jack gave up) later, the kids were all in the little van they had rented, with jacks mom driving.

"ok kids, remember to call me when you want to be picked up, and please try not to get in any trouble."

the kids all promised to comply to her requests, jumping out of the car and waving her goodbye.

"ok, well i want to go to sephora, so who wants to come with?" jupiter smiled at the group.

sophia shook her head, saying she didn't want to spend all her money on makeup like the last time she went shopping, and the boys agreed to go with her to some candy store jack had suggested. except for wyatt.

"i don't really want any candy. anyway, if i didn't come you'd be lonely." he smiled at jupiter as the others rushed away, racing each other into the mall.

"well, it's very nice of you to volunteer to come with me, wyatt" she looked up at the slightly taller boy, and moved her long hair out of her face.

she grabbed his hand, intertwining their fingers and started sprinting towards the massive building, laughing at wyatt's confusion at the sudden movement.

they made it to sephora, panting and laughing.

"jeez, noodle-boy! do you not exercise?" she laughed at how he was hunched over, clutching his chest and trying to catch his breath.

"hey! you need to give me at least 2 minutes warning before you take off sprinting, okay? my body isn't what it used to be." wyatt joked, a smile creeping onto his face when he looked up and saw the beaming girl.

they went into the store, wyatt gaping at the ceiling to floor walls of just makeup, questioning what everything was and how it worked.

they went through each isle, and after what felt like 10 minutes but was probably an hour jupiter was waiting for her last item to be scanned, wyatt standing behind her awkwardly.

the cashier looked up and smiled warmly. she read out jupiter's total, and as jupiter handed her over the money she opened her mouth to say something else.

"aw, you guys are a cute couple! have a wonderful day!" she left the two speechless, and before they could correct her, or say anything at all, she was leaning over the counter to usher another customer forward, and they had to leave.

once they were outside, it wasn't until jupiter let out an awkward cough that the silence was broken.

wyatt chose to ignore the topic of what that lady said, although he wished jupiter would just turn and say 'ha, that woman is right- we would make a good couple! wanna go out with me?' but he knew his chances of that were really slim.

"you know, you don't need all that makeup," he began, playing with his thumbs " you're beautiful already."

jupiter was blushing now, tucking pieces of hair behind her ear that fell out of place as she stared at her feet, trying not to show her red face.

they turned a corner into an empty hallway. there were no shops, just the bathrooms and one of those weird electronic horse things for children.

"can i tell you something wyatt?" she pulled him down into the ground with her, so they were sitting with crossed legs behind a gumball machine.

"this might sound weird, since i've only known you for like two weeks, but..." she trailed off looking down again.

he put his hand under her chin and brought her face back up so her eyes were looking straight into his, inches away from each other.

"please don't hate me, and i hope this doesn't ruin our friendship, because you're amazing wyatt, your such a good friend. i'm just gonna say it okay? please don't gag too hard, but, wyatt, i think i like you. like i like like you. like more than a frie- "

she was cut off by his lips on hers, one of his hands still under her chin and the other behind her neck. it took a second for her to understand what was going on, but then she melted into it, closing her eyes and resting her hand on his shoulder as there knees knocked.

the moment seemed to last forever, and jupiter was happy about that. but, then she pulled away, wanting to figure out why he had kissed her.

"i like you too jupiter, a lot. like really a lot, i'm such a noob, i wanted to be the one to tell you first." he laughed and stood up, holding out a hand to help her. she accepted and rose up quickly beside him.

"welp, you snooze you lose, mr.oleff" she giggled, the sound making him laugh too.

she stopped laughing and looked up into his eyes, more serious.

"so if you like me, and i like you, what does this make us?" she raised an eyebrow.

"let's just say, i'm yours jupiter. and if you wanted to be mine i'd be the happiest fourteen-year-old noodlehead around."

"i'd look to be yours, oleff. but... don't tell the others, okay?"

he nodded his head, linking pinkies with her and making it a promise.

they stared at eachother for a second - just two teens deeply in like with eachother.

"by the way, are you wearing cherry chapstick?" she laughed.

"hey! who are you to judge, you tasted like a frickin' smore! sorry that i like to keep my lips smooth for the ladies, next time we kiss i'll make sure my lips are nice and crusty for you."

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