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Hej Journal,

I would have written in you sooner but a certain first player *cough*Mathias*cough* kinda lost it so after the people who came to check on him left, I kept making sure that he didn't lose it again.

Speaking of Mathias, me and him are kinda getting along. We don't bicker as often and he's become more bearable. I'm getting less threats too which is good. They were annoying. I can't hurt Mathias anyway; I'd hurt myself.

Also I told Loki that I loved him. Yes, I'm capable of loving, dammit! I only said it because he admitted that he had feelings for me! If he wouldn't have...then I guess I would have had to move on.

Okay, what the fuck. Now I sound emotional and shit. I'm not a hormonal teenager. I'm a grown man. I gotta get a grip. Anyway, Emily has been mumbling something about an "October AU".

I should be very afraid, shouldn't I?

The Life of a former Viking: Second Player SelectionWhere stories live. Discover now