it was dark and lonly i dident know where i was i looked around and soon after relized i was isn a trunk, i was scared i reached into my back pocket and noticed my phone was gone and i was in a random persons trunk...
all the sudden the car came to a full stop i closed my eyes tihgt and opened them again praying this was a dream i did it over and over it wasent a dream.
i heard the car door slam shut and big boots walking over to the truck hey suddenly came to a full stop and i seen lihgt peek into the trunk and a tall man appered he was tall and skinny with no hair and sunglasses on he just stared at me i dident know what to do..
i was so scared...
suddenly a smile came onto his face and he reached over to me and grabed my hand he grabed it tihgt his big sweaty hands clining to mine i took a deep breath as he pulled me to get out of the car i steped out stumbaling over sticks i looked around and seen trees and more trees we were in a forest and i got even more scared what was he gonna do to me...
rape me, kill me i dident know
i keep getting even more worried i took another deep breath and tried to imagin this away again and agin but it wouldent work .
he closed the truck with his other hand and thats when i seen a tiny littol house it was old and dirty and i know we were going in there he stared walking towords the house pulling my hand i tried to pull away but i couldent he pulled me tugging on my arm but i couldent resist he was way stronger then me we walked up the staires onto the deck the staires creacked like they were about to fall apart, he walked to the door and swing it open and pulled me inside i looked around but it was emtey and dirty he relesed my wrist it was red from how tihgt he held onto it.
he turned to the door and locked all the lockes on the door there was at least 10 on there i know i wasent geeting out of there.
i smiled and said this way his deep voice and his yellow teeth smileing at my i followed him looking around but it was emtey i wasent sure why he had an emtey house or mabey this wasent his house i really wasent sure i keep looking bakc at me i geuss he was makeing sure i wasent gonna run we got to the end of a long nerrow dark hallway there was a door he unlocked the 3 locks on it and swung it upon behind the door was a room with one window covered with bars and two buckets he walked in and jescherd for me to come in i slowly walked in as he took of his sunglasses reveling his brown eyes staring down at me i walked into the room and i heard the door slam shut scaring me i turned back as i heard him locking all the lockes on the other side of the door then his big boots walking back down the hall when i couldent hear him anymore i looked around the room i went to the two buckets one was filled with water and one was empty i know what it was for but i wish i dident..
i wish i was home. with my mom and dad and my brother and sister but i wasent i was here in the forest with a scary man...
and thats when a tear fell from my eye then another and another intill i started crying i sat down on the coldwooden floors and cryed intill i heard a car horn outside i looked around the room and stud up off the ground and walked over to the window i seen a black car with tinted windows and smelled weed comeing from the car it was strong and i took a big breath in cofing as i relesed it from my system i keep staring at the car praying he or she was comeing to get me.
i seen the guy come out on the he deck and walk over to the car he was about to step intil the car when he looked over at the window as i throw my self to the ground hopeing he dident see me i heard the car engin rumbelle and i stode back up i seen the car drive away.
and thats when i thougt mabey this was my chance to get away and try to find my way back home i ran to the door and tried to open the door i kicked it over and over but it dident leave a dent i ran to the window and tried to pull the bars apart with all the starngth i had but they wouldent budge.
i know it was hopless i walked around the room back and forth passing intill i heard a creek in one part of the floor i stooped on it over and over again hearing an eco i know there was something there i stumped so much the floor started to break i know it was halo under that part i keep stomping intill a hole brock makeing me fall i grabed onto the hard wood aroun me trying not to fall i couldent pull myself up i locked down and seen a tunnel with lihgt 2 feet under me so i droped onto the dirt falling onto my butt i stode up and peeked my head into the tunnel not knowing what to expect all i seen was a long dark hole with lanters every 10 steps i grabed one lantern and brougt it all the way down the tunnel
28 miniutes later...
i reached the end of the tunnel and above me were two wooden doors i put the lantern down and jumped up trying to get the doors i did it over and over till i reached the doors i pushed it up intill i seen lihgt i tried to pull myself up but couldent i keep trying but i couldent do it. then i thougt to myself i could die here and my stomec felt weired then i thougt im getting out of here if its the last thing i do so i did it again and agin to jump out of the tunnel i reached the grass i grabed onto it and triied to pull myself up but the grass riped and i feel back bu i did it again and dug my nails into the dirt pulling myself onto the brown dirty grass i closed the tunnel doors and looked around the little house was about 5 feet by the barels i know i was free intill i heard a car and the smell of weed again they were back i looked around and dident know where to hide but i ran into the bushes covering myself in leaves.
i looked throw the branches as the black car came up into the driveway again i seen the tall scarey man step out of the car looking high as ever i prayed to god that he wouldent find me over again...
i was so nervouse my body was shacking from head to toe. my heart was beating so fast i thougt he mihgt be abel to here it.
i continued to watch as the man walking into the cottage and the black car drove away i waited two minutes to make sure the car was far when i ran out of the bushes into the forst my sweater getting cought on branches and triping over logs but i never stoped running.
then i heared FUCK and i know he found out i was gone i was so scared i heard the house door open and slam shut. then i heared him yell I WILL FIND YOU, I WILL KILL YOU and i was spechless i dident know what to do so i keep running i thougt he was gonna find me so i dident stop running.
i keep going and going i had scratches and cramps from running so much i was so tired i couldent explin... but i keep going.
i couldent run anymore and i fell to the ground crying but then i relized he wasent chacing me anymore. he was gone he gave up .
and thats when a big smile came on my face . i know i was in the middel of the forest but i know it was better then being with him in that house...
all the sudden i heared I WONT GIVE UP im still comeing and qwiqly my smile became a frown i stode up grabeing my rib because i got a cramp but i continuded running for my life..
I was so scared shacking from heqad to toe scratching my arms and legs on brocken branches blood running down my leg from when I fell but I keep going I ran outo a path and looked both ways I dident know what way to go then I seen car marks from the car heading out so I followed the tracks running as fast as I could i seen a real road forming with the dirt road and a stoped and leaned over to take a breath.
i turned back and heard him comeing to words so i keep running intill i seen a a bunch of bushes in a group i jumped into the bushes and looked around i dident see him anywhere when i felt a warm wet hand on my shocholder i slowly turned my head to see...
read the next book to find out the ending...