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"Nora, please give it try. We just want to help"

"Help! You want to help! Well, why don't you go search a dictionary for the meaning of help and then talk!"


"No! Don't! Just...........urg!!!!!"
I stormed up to my room and closed the door with such force, I swear the door almost broke.

Fuck me. Fuck my stupid life. Fuck everything!!

Wanna know why? Beacuse my parents are sending me to this great 'match-making' show.

Again wanna know why? Cause they wanna get rid of me. They want to make my life a living. Just when I thought things couldn't get worse. Ever since the day my mom died, my world was turned upside down. I lost hope in having a happy family. My dad changed. A lot. He didn't exactly start drinking and beating the shit out of me. But he wasn't the same father I once had. I looked a lot like my mom so he tried to avoid me. Keeping a distance between us. He never said that loud but it was obvious. Even a blind person could see it. I was eight then. I was heart broken at first. I couldn't live without my mom but losing my dad also felt like something was tearing the insides of my heart.

Dad remarried after that. Aria, my step mom,wasn't like those evil step moms in stories. She was actually a kind lady but that's what bothered me. I was still grieving over my mom. I couldn't just accept Aria. And the fact that she was nice to me made it even worse. She could've just been the evil step mom. I would have been easier to hate her then. But she wasn't. So I tried to make her hate me. I rebelled against her so much. I guess it did have some effect on her.

The only person I have in my life now is my fifteen year old step sister Ira. She was an angel. I loved her more like she was my own darling sister. She was born shortly after dad and Aria married each other. At first Aria was scared to let me near her. But when she saw the look I had in my eyes. That look of hope and love, she decided Ira was in good hands.

But that doesn't change the fact that even after all these years, they still want me gone. I was a burden to them.

If they wanted me gone they could have just told it on my face. I would have been more than happy to leave. This way of indirectly kicking me out of the house just makes me sick.

Well, if I'm going for this show then I'm gonna make sure I make that guy whose the 'main character' living like hell. Don't be surprised if I'm the first one eliminated. I'll make sure of it. Just you wait........uh.....what was that guy's name again?...........ahh yeah Damon. Damon Grey. I pity him. It's not fair to take out all my anger on him, but life isn't fair babe.

Oh and not to mention there will be what....9 other girls too. Drama Queens who would go into depression if one of their eyebrow hairs went out of place.

First he'll interrogate every one of us and eliminate five of us in the first week. Then one the next week and the next and the next until he's left with his golden trophy.

Well........I'll just have to bear it for a week. One week and I'll be done.

Repeating that mantra over and over in my mind, I finally calm myself down. I had to admit, I was a bit curious about this Damon guy. I fired up my laptop and looked him up.

Well.........he seems like a nice guy. Likes to travel and an artist.........

Hmmmm, maybe he won't be that bad. I searched his personal life. Born in Germany, cool. No record of any girlfriends or ex-s. That's weird. He looked good. Like really good. How could he not have a single rumor at least. Apart from that, he seems like a nice guy. Wait........why the heck am I going all soft on him! I'm supposed to piss him off. Remember that little brain. Your mad at him so stay mad.

At that moment my sister walks in. She was such an innocent in this world. I would do anything to make sure she has a wonderful life unlike mine and never shed a tear. I want to see her happy always. She's an amazing seventeen year old. I know she'll soon be old enough to take care of herself but I'll always be protective over her. No matter how old she is.

She plops down on the bed next to me.
"You isn't a bad idea sis" she says

"What isn't a bad idea?" I ask her though I alredy know the answer and I'm hoping I'm wrong

"You going to that show. You need to stop living in the past. I know your sacred to fall for someone again but not everyone is the same. He could be different. Give it a try" she tells me softy. Urgh......not you too sis.

"Who knows, you might actually end up with him" she smiles at me.

I laught at that. Ending up with him....I highly doubt that.

" I don't know Ira. I just can't let go of the past just like that. And the guy..........I means he seems pretty decent but......competing against other women for a's so wrong. Shouldn't destiny bring us together?"

"Yes. Destiny will bring you together but you need to cooperate."

I sigh. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I know she's right.

"Come on sis. Give it a try. Don't chicken out like this. Your braver than this."


"You'll give him a chance!?"


"Oh God! I love you so much. Trust me, you'll get his full attention soon" she winks at me.

"Shut up" but I can't help but laugh with her a chuck a pillow at her.

Soon enough we end up having a pillow fight with all the stuffed cotton flying around us. Times like this are the best.

We are soon tired and decide to sleep. Ira stays with me and both of us lie down pulling the duvet above us.

Ira wants me to give him a chance but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna piss Damon off. The plan is still on. I'm gonna make his head spin like a top soon. I don't know why. Don't ask me.....but I fell like irritating the hell outta him.

Come on. I'm sure you've all felt that way towards someone. No biggie. Lol

Hey awesome readers!!!

Okay so I know there are mistakes so I'd really appreciate it if you point it out.

And if you have some exciting plot in your mind, get it out of that head of yours and tell me. I might actually publish it in my book.

And give me views too. I'd like to know what you think!

And lastly PLEASE vote and share and comment!!

Love y'all!!<3

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Until next update!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2018 ⏰

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