demons on fire

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As i, Hunter, was walking with my girlfriend Heather, she asked to hold my hand so i put out my hand and than she got a text. Out of no where she said "I got to go".so i said "Why?" It went silent for a while and than she left.Than my two best friends Jack & Nick came over and asked "What happend?" I said "I don't know? She just left".They said "Ok".After we walked over to our motor bikes.We drove to Tims to get some coffees and food. But we bumped in to a unusual guy. He wore all black and he said "I hear you guys like motor bikes".I said "Ya"and than he said "I have some jobs for you guys, just sign this contract".  Than my friend Jack said "Why?" The guy said "For the job". So we all signed our names. After that we turn to our motor bikes and than we turned back and the guy was gone. So we went to our motor bikes but our motor bikes did not look the same and then our keys started to pull us to our motor bikes and than when we got to our motor bikes the keys flew into the socket and than our motor bikes started and drove to some guy trying to kill some one. We turned into demons on fire! we lit the guy on fire and than ripped him in half.Every night we did the same for a whole month!But nick killed jack and told me that someone else did but i mesaged him and told himto meet me at walmart parking lot on sunday ! I  been killing gangs by myself now and its almost sunday and im ready to kill that guy! Its sunday im going to rip that guys eyes out just so that he can watch him self die. Hey man your going to die! What !goodby! Finily hes dead! I hunter rule!

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2012 ⏰

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