Chapter 4

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You hummed sitting in the backseat of Kevin car with Ben.
Gwen and Kevin sat in the front all four of you listening to the sound of the radio

After that weird 'stalker' incident weeks ago you actually became friends with the three who kept their eyes on you but acted like true friends.

By now your cast had come off so you could move your arm again weak from not moving so long but your arm slowy returned to normal if it never was broken.

You couldn't help them with Hero stuff but you still loved to spend time with them knowing all about their powers.

Today they had even gotten Permission to take you back to headquarters to show you around again trusting you enough to take you back.

They handed you a transalator so you could hear what everybody said to them or you

You kinda were excited to see aliens again, the high tech base and even hoped you would meet Helen again.

For some reason you sometimes thought about her not mad but you kinda wanted to know her and spend time with her.

After they covered your eyes they drove into the base then allowed you to see again stepping out the car after the others.

You looked around smiling seeing plumbers just doing their own things going on with a normal day at work.

Ben : welcome back
(Y/n) : surprising this is all here and barely anybody knows about it

They nodded agreeing walking ahead with you behind them showing you around the base looking for Grandpa max who was in the kitchen cooking something.

Max : ben, gwen, Kevin and (y/n) what a nice surprise

Gwen : hey grandpa..... we hope you still don't mind we brought him

Max : of course not....... if he would spill our secret he would have done it already

You chuckled not planning on taking that risk ever you knew better to make them mad, you doubted anybody would believe you either.

You shook hands with Max smelling the soup he was making apparently something he came up with himself. Gwen and Ben had warned you not too accept anything Max offered you having explained why with a lot of details.

Max : so tell me (y/n) how are you doing ?

(Y/n) : well i healed without having anything permanent so i got lucky..... made some new friends so im fine.. how are you ?

Max : im great thank you for asking

You smiled happy to see Max was fine all you couldn't help but to wonder how Helen was doing not that you dared to ask.

Ben,Gwen and Kevin took you to base to introduce you to a few of their friends letting Max continue making whatever he was making offering you all some.

He turned around finding you all had left already in a hurry not wanting to insult him with declining or have to eat his food.

Max shrugged returnting to making the soup adding some more ingredients singing a old song he still knew from his childhood.

You four went around the base getting to meet a few of their friends that introduced themselfs to you telling a friend of the Tennysons was a friend of them.

You smiled surprised how many different spieces of aliens there were inside the base alone all having been on earth for probaly a long time.

At some point with the tour you passee the hangar where they showed off several ships including their own and ground vehicles that were either used for special opperations or undercover missions.

Ben 10 alien force/ultimate alien : helen wheels x male reader Where stories live. Discover now