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Alex enjoyed the sweet company of Hope when lyrics crossed his mine.

The twist of her lips and the shift of her hips.

Everything moving in time.

She's the air I breathe,

and causes feelings in me,

That drives me out of my mind.

The lyrics seemed to fit the moment perfectly, and as he touched the side of her face, he could practically hear the strum of the guitar that would go with it. Alex sighed.

"What's that for?" Hope asked.

"Splinker's probably waiting for me to come down and help out with customers. I don't get paid to do nothing."

"Of course," Hope agreed in understanding. Alex had a job and, as much as he wanted, his job wasn't to sit and kiss her. They reluctantly left, heading down the winding stairs, back into the store. Mr. Splinker was talking to a customer but looked up as they came down, a knowing expression on his face. A blush crept along Hopes cheeks and Alex's heart skipped a beat.

"So," Mr. Splinker leaned casually against the counter, a smirk playing on his lips. "Since everything seems to be fixed I might as well ask while you're both in good spirits." He looked from Hope to Alex. "I would like to offer you both a duet in the upcoming concert."

Hope, caught up in the moment, had completely forgotten to bring that up. Alex realized he forgot to tell her about the principle practically demanding he sing at the fundraiser. Mr. Splinker waited for a response and Alex grimaced at the thought of performing at his school not once but twice. It was one thing to sing in front of a stranger it was another to do it in front of a few hundred you knew who spent their free time judging you.

"You don't have to give me an answer just yet, Alex. I know how much you've kept yourself hidden but I honestly think it would be good for you." He smiled at Hope. "I know you'll do it because I asked even if you didn't want to. But go ahead and sleep on it anyway. Let me know when you both decide."

"Okay," Hope said in her sweet southern drawl. As much as Alex wanted to shout that his answer was no, he didn't want to pass up an opportunity to spend more time with Hope. And as he looked at her in her midthigh dress and boots he found passing it up to be a lot harder than he expected.

Her laughter, her dress

So perfect, how could I have guessed

That this is who I would find.

I can tell she feels it as well,

I drive her out of her mind.

 The lyrics came into his head. He hoped he drove her out of her mind as she did with him. She was beginning to consume his thoughts as music did. 

"See you later?" Alex said to Hope.

"Yes. On time tomorrow, right?"

"On time," he smiled. He watched as she walked out the front doors of the store. He wanted to follow her, walked her home and hold her hand. He couldn't do that of course, he needed to get back to work. He looked over to see Mr. Splikner eyeing him, one eyebrow raised. 

"She's got you wrapped around her finger," he stated matter of factly. "You're hooked like a fish."

He paused for a moment. "Maybe."

He went back to work arranging the music, checking all of the instruments were alright, sometimes people played with them too hard before he went into the back to start fixing instruments people had dropped off. 

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