//New Boy Jayden//

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I was on my bed chewing on my potato chips while putting photos in my scrapebook. My scrapebook Said 'Memories of 2016' in Sparkly letters with emojis and glitter around it.  I went to grab another potato chip until I noticed my bag of chips were gone.

"Where did it go?" I quietly said looking all over the place. Until I looked up and saw my younger brother, Grayson, holding my bag of chips in the air while sticking his tongue out.

"Give it back !" I said standing up. "Hahaha" Grayson said then he fled out the door. "You little  brat!" I said as I ran after him. As we were running we were stop by our father."

"What's all this racket about!" He said as he crossed is arms. "Grayson stole my chips and he won't give it back."  Grayson was laughing while he took a handful of chips. "Now he's putting his dirty hands in my chips!" 

Father signed and rub his forehead,"Grayson give her back the chips..." Grayson gave me my bag of chips angry while I grined.  I look inside the bag to see if there was still any more left. There was a little bit so I ate it and threw the bag in the trash.


"DINNERS READY" I heard my mom call from downstairs. I sprung off my bed and went downstairs. The kitchen smelled of smashed potatoes, Macaroni, and baked chicken. I sat on the black barstool. 

I dig into my plate hungrily like I haven't eaten for days. "So mom.." I managed to get out after swallowing my food, "can I get some money for a new camera and scrape book?" I said shyly.

"What about the money I gave you a few weeks ago?"My mom said as she put mashed potatoes on my brother plate. " I used the money to buy glitter and foam letters to decorate the outside of my scrapebook. 

"Fine you can get money but you need to get a job to earn your own money." My mom said sternly. 

I cleaned my plate and put it in the sink. I walked upstairs into my bed heroom. I put my scrape book in my drawer along with my other scrapebooks of Diffrent years. I walked into the bathroom and put my dark brown hair into a messy bun. I put on my pjs getting ready for bed.


"SYDNEY HURRY UP!" Grayson said as he pounded his fist against the wooden bathroom door.

"CAN YOU WAIT?!" I said while straghting my hair, while putting on a little bit of pink blush. I walk out the bathroom,"There all yours" I said pointing towards the bathroom.

"Thank you, I was starting to get gray hairs.." Grayson scoffed while I rolled my eyes. I  walked into my room and took out my outfit for the day.

I decided I was going to wear black ripped jeans, and a tye die shirt. I slipped on my ankle high black converses and grad my gray bookbag and hung it over my shoulder.

I walked downstairs. The smell of strawberrys and waffles hit my nostrils. "Good morning mom" I said as I dug into the waffles. "Good morning sweetie" she said handing me black coffee. I sip half of my coffee, chugging it down almost.

"Slow down there honey." Mom said as she chuckled a little. "Sorry, I spender all night trying To organize my 2016 scrapebook" After eating and talking, I was finished and it was time to go.

"GRAYSON, HURRY UP! I NOT TRYING TO BE LATE!" I shouted. Grayson in 6th grade while I'm a junior. "IM COMING!!" Grayson said as he speeded down the steps,almost slipping on the floor.

"Grayson why don't you have your shoes on?" "I was busy.."    " busy doing what?"

"Whatever just put on your shoes..." I said agitated. Grayson slipped on his dirty white shoes on and slip his black bookbag on. "Bye mom." I waved Grayson and I then fled out the door in a hurry.


As we arrived I saw my best friend, Alison Reinz. "Hey Ali!" I said running towards her. "Hey Syd" she waved.

"Did you hear we are getting a new boy today?" Alison Said running her fingers through her red hair.

"No? What about him?" I question scratching the back of my neck "I heard his name is Jayden and he's super hawttt" Alison said fanning herself.

"Ali I swear your more boy crazy then Cassidy.." Cassidy is my other best friend. He is SUPER boy crazy she has like a dozen pictures Of Channing Tatum,Cameron Dallas, and Zac Efron.

Speaking of Cassidy , She was here right now. "Hey girlies!" She said as her blonde curls bounced up and down with energy.

"Hey Cass" Alison and I said in sync.

"Did you hear about the new boy?" He's so hoooot!" Cassidy said as she elongated the 'hot' while typing her shoelaces.

"I KNOW RIGHT?" Alison said jumping up and down. "You guys are boy crazy..." I said slapping my Forehead.


"This was like my fourth divorce this year.." Miss Harrison sob as she wipe her dripping mascara with a pack of tissues.

"I swear if Miss Harrison complains about another divorce.." I whispered to Blake Anderson.

Miss Harrison stood up from her desk "Do you have something to share Miss Gaines?" 

"Yes, yes I do,"  "STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT YOUR STUPID DIVORCE  NO ONE WANTS TO HEAR ABOUT!" I shouted  which costed a little snickers. "Ugh  you stupid little girl..." She mumbled 

As I sat down, the door flung open so hard I could of sworn I felt a gist of wind. A tall 6th foot man walked into the door. He had an ungodly amount of tattoes, he had brown hair,hazel eyes unlike mine I had gray.

"Look class we have a new student.introduce yourself!" "My name is Jayden  and I'm 17 that's all you need to know" Jayden said. Lots of girls were staring at him, unlike me I was doodling in my notebook.

"Jayden, take a seat next to Sydney, Sydney raise your hand" I raised my hand as I continue to draw. 

Jayden walk towards me then plop down in the seat."What are you drawing?"

"Non of your business" I said putting a strand of my hair behind my hair. Jayden then snatched my notebook from my desk. "Give it back you freaking retard." I yelled, almost every one was looking at us. "Sorry love.." Jayden then ran out the door.

I chased after him in hallways pushing people out of the way. I then catch up with Jayden and jump on his back. "GIVE IT BACK JERK!!" I said as I pounded my fist on his head. Jayden then titled his back making me fall on my butt.

The notebook then felled from his hands. I crawled on the floor getting it. I then gave him the finger. He just chuckled LIKE IT WAS FUNNY. "What's so funny?" I asked agitated.

I then realized what was funny. My hair was a mess from tackling Jayden. "Why you little-" I was then interrupted by our principal. 

"What was al, this nonsense about!" Principal Simmons boomed. He yelled so loud the floor vibrated."Well this Fucktard stole my notebook, so I had to chase him through the hallways" I said 

Principal Simmons rolled his eyes and said "Both of you have detention for 3 weeks, every Friday."

Great first day back at school and I already have Detention.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2017 ⏰

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