Chapter Seven

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The two monsters arrive at the scene where all the other monsters are. Devora looked down, standing on top of a building watching them. It was brawl. These things occur from time to time. Rozo asked Devora if she wanted to enter. The winner gets a prize. "Of course they'd give a prize, Rozo. But I'm not interested in it. It's most likely an arm or whatever." Devora declined the offer. Rozo just shrugged his shoulders, as he didn't care really what the prize was. He was more into beating the life out of everyone there.

Just so we're clear, Rozo is one of the strongest monsters known in the databook. Yes, there is a databook. This databook is used a source to help others when they spot a monster. Detailing their remarkable abilities, their body measurements, their bakemono type, and their grade level. SS is the highest level, and D is the lowest. One of Rozo's remarkable abilities is his supernatural strength. He has gained three tails in his journey of evolution to the ten tailed monster. However, it has been taking him awhile as he hasn't been finding the will to eat more monsters. Yes, if you truly want to gain the ten tailed monster like abilities fast enough, you must be willing to be a cannibal. Devora has proved this, as her amount of tails shown is unknown. We know she has pulled out four, but that's it.

Devora sighing as she sees Rozo go down there. She cares less for his nonsense as she turns around, and next thing you know, a heavy oblique kick was delivered to her hips, as she flys left crashing into one of those electrical boxes you see on many buildings for apartments. Devora, who doesn't even seem to be affected by the kick, just gets up as the dust just comes off her jacket. "Another worthless officer, huh?" She says while tilting her head. She figured that it must be another weakling, but after that kick, I wouldn't be so cocky Devora.

"Worthless, you say? I think a kick like that on someone such as you, I should be honored!"

Monster Police Division 5
Rank 2 Officer
Ichigo Kamen

    Devora smirked, as she didn't care about that kick. "You think that kick was good? Try hitting me again. And I'll show you the difference between your strength and mine." Devora stated with calmness and intimidation. "Or, are you afraid you might get beat by a girl?" Devora added to fuel the fire between them. Ichigo shook his head in disappointment as he took out his gun. His eyes were closed, and he didn't feel a bit intimidated at all from Devora. Instead, he just locked his gun ready and aimed at her. Opened his eyes, and said, "You are neither male or female, you are a monster. Monsters in my eyes don't have genders, since they all are the same ideally." Devora showing off her grin still, as she took that as a compliment. "Your death it is."

    Ichigo fired six bullets at Devora's legs to stop her movements on the floor. "Let's limit those movements." Then, Devora decides to push herself up with using her tails, she only used two by the way. As she's in the air, she sends spikes from her tail towards Ichigo. He evades them quite easily, as he feels like he's been underestimated. "Damn thing thinks it can overpower me. Fine then. I may be from Division five, but you forget something. I'm ranked two. Meaning I'm the second highest in my division." Ichigo states with so much honor, as he grabbed the heruzuchēn and had it in a lasso. As he tossed it around Devora very quickly, Devora came to a disadvantage as she gets caught in it. It burns her skin as they try to regenerate quickly while it burns. Devora eventually gets slammed into the ground by the chains. To her surprise, she was actually struggling trying to get out of the chains. She gets pulled by Ichigo, as she is forced to use the other two tails because the first two are being fried at the moment, and she pierces Ichigo's chest and stomach at once and that makes Ichigo loses his grip. The chains fall and Devora gets out of them. With so much blood lost, she had to escape. And she did. Ichigo was left on the building to bleed out, but soon enough, someone else found him. Kikitaru Hana. "Damn it, It was her again." Hana took Officer Kamen to the hospital to be treated.

Back at the HQ

"So, it seems you got careless and underestimated your enemy, Akira." Pawā says to her. "I told you...AH!" Screams from the pain of the healing that Pawā is fastening, "N-Not to call me that...I am...urgh..! Devora!" She shouts. "Hehehe, whatever you say, little one."

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