Chapter Two: Enter Sandman Pt. 2

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I land outside the bank and approach the police Captain on the scene, George Stacy. "Glad you came, Spidey," The Captain greets me.

"Thanks, sir," I say, still disappointed I had to leave his daughter to come here. And to top it off, I had to shut off to my phone to ignore her calls. I'm such a jerk. "What's the situation?"

"Armed robbery turned into a hostage situation. We're guessing it's Flint Marko, because a man who witnessed him go in described someone who fits Marko's description," Captain Stacy tells me.

"Ok, how many hostages?"

"We don't know exactly, but we're estimating around ten."

"Alright, I'll get in there and save them," I say, before leaping into the air and shooting a web to the bank. I pull myself to the roof, before entering the building through a vent system.

"Nobody make any noise! I need to get this vault empty!" Marko shouts, as I silently land behind him, from the vent.

"Marko!" I shout. "The rumors are true, you are out!"

"Goddammit," He says, turning around to face me. "Not you, web-head."

"In the flesh! So, how'd you even get out?"

"Well, the kind Doc Bernstein gave me powers and a reduced sentence, but I decided to skip the sentence altogether."

"Powers?" I ask.

"Yeah!" Marko says, with excitement in his voice. "I'll show you!"

Just then, my Spider-Sense goes off as Marko raises his fist. It contorts into a large hammer, with the texture of sand. "What the--?" I say before I'm hit in the head with the hammer. I'm sent flying back into the wall.

"Marko is gone! I'm now 'The Sandman'!" He declares. I get up and charge at him, while he's not looking. I jump into the air and kick him in the back, with both feet.

"Your whole body is sand?!" I shout, as my legs go through his back and chest. Marko nods, as I pull myself out of his body.

"You're gonna pay for that!" He exclaims, swinging his sand-hammer at me again. This time I dodge it and do a sweep-kick at his feet, destroying part of his sand legs. He falls to the ground and turns into a pile of sand. "Screw you!"

The pile of sand starts moving under the bank entrance, so it's now outside. I kick the door off its hinges and leap outside. "Captain Stacy!" I shout. "The hostages are safe. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some sand to follow!"

I sling a web at a nearby building, as the sand pile lifts off the ground and starts soaring through the air. I follow it for a few blocks before it descends and reforms into Marko. He looks around, before taking a manhole cover off a sewer entrance and jumping in.

"Always check rooftops, when the Spider-Man is in pursuit," I murmur to myself, before leaping towards the sewer entrance.

The Sensational Spider-Man - Volume Four: Enter SandmanWhere stories live. Discover now