Chapter 7

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An hour later after Cassia had finally gotten off her obsession of our French teacher we have moved on to another movie, The Lion King, an obvious classic that two 17 girls should always watch in their spare time.  Thinking that we weren’t going to touch the subject again, I was surprised when I hear what Cassia says next.

            “So are you just gonna forget about it?” she asks as she cautiously looks over to me.

            “Forget about what, the whole Ms. Kollmann thing?” I ask already knowing that’s what she’s talking about.

            “Yea, I mean if it were me I know I wouldn’t be able to forget about it.” She says with obvious concern on her face.

            “Well trust me I’m not able to just forget about it.  Honestly the whole situation is vile enough to scar my thoughts permanently.  I mean just imagine finding a middle aged woman and an 18 year old kid making out in an abandoned class room; it definitely was not my ideal afternoon.” I cringe as I relive the events.

            “Okay, yea I agree with completely but I just don’t understand how you can seem so calm about this.  One thing though it will make a great story for your future children.” She says with a smirk

            “Yea, I guess so; I just really want to put it behind me.  I mean as far as I can tell it’s all over.” I say as I think out loud.

            All I can say is that I really truly hope that this whole thing is over and once I’m done with high school I can move far, far away from here.

            The next time either Cassia or I look at the time its pushing on 11:00 pm.  Knowing her dad can get paranoid when people are late; she decides that she should get on her way home.  After she helps me clean up my living room she heads out the door.  As are start to head upstairs I can’t help but here what my mom and dad are talking about.

            “Yes, apparently she was having an intimate relationship with one of the students.” My dad says in a low voice.

            “What did the school board do?  They fired her of course, correct?” I hear my mom say concern in her voice.

            “They haven’t decided yet, they are saying she’s one of the best principals they’ve had over the past few decades and some just don’t want to let her go, no matter what she’s done.” My dad says slightly irritated.

            How can they not fire her?  She’s committed a crime I don’t see how her effectiveness as a principal can save her butt now.  Being the person I am I have to hear at least a little more reasoning for not firing this disgrace of a principal my school has claimed as their best.

            “How can they not fire her?  She’s committed a crime.” My mom says appalled, I chuckle as I hear her repeat what I had just thought mere seconds ago.

            “I don’t know honey, but some people are seriously trying to get it so she can stay on staff at the school.” He says obvious worry in his voice.

            “I just can’t believe they want to keep her at the school.  I’ve met that woman and let me tell you she’s a piece of work.” As I hear her say this, her voice seems to get louder.

            I realize seconds later that it’s in fact because she is starting to walk out of the kitchen.  I immediately react and run up the stairs as fast and as quietly as possible.  The last thing I want is for my parents to start talking about this subject with me.  I might accidently let something slip about me being involved and that’s the last thing I want them to know.

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