A Girl's Friend

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So that was the first day she talked to me. I was so happy. I remember, I even drew a picture of her and posted it up on my room. I also remember having my little sister tease me about it. She was all like "James has a girlfriend. James has a girlfriend." But I knew that she was kidding around, even though for me, I wish it was true.

I continued on with my plan. If it was called being crazy, at the moment, for me, it felt good to be crazy. Days have passed and Sarah and I got closer and closer. We're always together,either talking, texting, or playing around, going out to eat, etc. I liked how much time I've gotten to spend with her, but it became harder and harder for me to act because then my feelings for her just got bigger and bigger. It's like the galaxy you know, it keeps expanding. Teehee. Just kidding. But it's something like that. Then the day came when she asked me to braid her hair.

----------time thing--------

"Bestie! Can you braid my hair?" Sarah had asked.

"Sure, come here," I knew someday she was going to ask for this, girls like braiding their hair. I had it all planned. I spent days practicing how to braid with my sister's hair. It took a while and amounts of time to finally get it all perfect and good without a lot of hair sticking out like it's static to everything. I took a good amount of her hair and divided it into three parts, rotated each from the middle part to the left crossing the right, then the right crossing the left and it goes on. "Aren't I good?"

"Yeah, for a guy. I mean, yeah! You are really good at this!" she exclaimed. "How can you be so good without practice? I mean, your hair is short, it would be hard braiding you own," she questioned.

Twisting and pulling my sister's hair off was practice. I thought. "I'm just good 'yanno!" I winked and tried looking cute by putting my hands on my face and doing the peace sign.

As I kept braiding her hair, from a distance, I saw a guy looking at Sarah. I couldn't help but feel jealous. He caught me looking at him and I smiled until my eyes closed, I flinched my hand, just to make sure he thought I was gay.

"He was staring you down, girl!" I said.

"Who? Ivan?" she said.

"Yeah, I thought you were going to melt away," I over exaggerated the words.

"Psh, did you know that he's the campus crush?" she said.

"Do you like him?" I asked hoping she would say no.

"No," she said, but I noticed her slight blush. "What about you?"

I was confused for a second, the guy side of me came out for a bit so I was a little confused. "Me? Oh yeah. Slight," I winked at her. I guess it's better for me to keep lying to her for now instead of her finding out that the truth. But then I started to think and think of who she might like. "Who do you like then?" I said in curiosity.

A\N almost done. :3

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