The boy with the Blue Eyes.

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(hey im back!!!!! it's been long enough. so to apologize im gon be doing a several part imagine that all fluff and cuteness and of course with the blue boy!!! Enjoy loves!)

"Hey! Y/N! Wait up would yah!" Percy ran up the hill to the pavilion where you were walking to go sit down with the  rest of your cabin. You turned around to see him out of breath. He looked like he had just run a marathon at top speed. He looked up at you and pouted. "You said you'd wait for me this morning," He huffed, "you said in front of the Aries cabin." You couldn't help but to giggle at him.

"Yah well you weren't there so I went ahead. It's your fault." You chuckled "Why did you run so fast?"

"I have no idea...." you both headed off to your tables to eat breakfast. Percy was your best friend. You two did everything together. You secretly wanted to be more than just friends but you were never going to tell anyone that. You turned around to see Percy sitting alone at his table like usual. You felt kind of bad for him. Every once in a while though his friend Grover would keep him company as he chewed on a metal can.


After breakfast it was time for daily activities to start. First there was the rock wall and you had finished that easily. Then equestrian care. Then ancient Greek. Next was your favorite class. Swords class. As you geared up Chiron came up to you. "Y/N, I want to teach with me. you have the best arm since... well in a long time." You new he meant to say, the best arm since Luke but he new that was a touchy subject to you. Ignoring it you just smiled and said "Sure what are we teaching today?"

"Well most of these kids need help sparing. I thought you'd be the best opponent to go at. each kid will have a chance to do their very best against you. But they each only have a limited amount of time."

"Chiron do you know how many kids that is?"

"Yes if you get tired or can't do it I'll step in. Please I think it could be really good for the young ones to learn. Of course without getting hurt." He looked at you with anticipation. You smiled and shrugged

"why not. Just as long as I don't get hurt too badly."



The first camper was up. An Apollo daughter. Chiron held out a flag in between us. You got ready, as soon as Chiron waved the flag you were off. You struck first but the girl was fast and blocked. Your swords clashed together. You could tell she was a little distracted by one of the Aries boys. She would keep stealing quick glances to make sure he was watching. You could use this to your advantage. You caught her looking away for that split second and you immediately  round house kicked her in the chest not hard enough to damage but hard enough So that she stumbled backwards losing her footing by the time she could regain her balance your sword was at he head and she stared down the blade with wide eyes. You lowered it and smiled you held out a hand for a handshake and the girl took it still out of breath and shocked at how fast everything had happened. "Good match, however, you were too distracted, you were fast and agile, but distracted, never take your eyes off you opponent." You smiled. The next few kids were good but they all had their mistakes. Wrong footing, slow, not strong enough to compose a powerful enough blow. You had beaten them all. "Oh come on!" An Aries son shouted. Pushing other campers out of the way to get to you. "let me show you how it's done!" you just nodded. Chiron raised his flag and the Aries kid didn't wait for it to be lowered he plunged forward swinging his sword at my head. You ducked surprised. You jumped back up and sprung into position. You made a wide swing at him keeping your body low do he couldn't tackle your legs. He moved swiftly. You two went back and forth. He then met your blade with such force it knocked your balance and sent vibration through your body. He took this opportunity and swung his sword cutting into your arm. Blood trickled down. Chiron was about to step in but you shot him a glance that said "don't even think about it." so he backed down and you turned back to the boy. He smiled. This clearly wasn't going to be a clean fight.  Luckily he didn't cut your dominant arm so you were still allowed to give some power behind your swings. He blocked and once again knocked you off balance but you hurried to get back and face him. Then you realized it. His strategy was so simple and silly. He couldn't fight very well so he uses his speed to stagger his opponent then attack while they are caught off guard. You charged again and he tried to dodge but you knew he was going to so you held out your foot and he tripped. He got up and sprung at you hitting you square in the chest. the air was knocked out of you. He took his blade and impaled your skin right underneath you breast. He pulled the blade out swiftly causing so much pain that you screamed. You slammed your hand on the wound. That was, it you weren't letting this kid get away with this. As he was celebrating his victory alone in front of the terrified campers, you picked up all the strength you had left and rushed him to the ground and pinned him down with your sword at his neck. you lifted the blade above your head and slammed it down close enough to his face that it barley grazed his ear. He sat their and started to cry. You stood up. "well done kid," You managed to get out it almost above a whisper. "But the fight's never over until you enemy surrenders or is dead." and with that being said your vision blacked out and you fell to the floor.


You woke up a week later in the infirmary. Percy was sitting at your bed side asleep in the chair. You smiled at the sight of him. How long was he there? You looked over to the other beds around you there were campers on almost every one most of them were just sick or pretending to get out of classes. One of the campers passed your bed and looked at you with wide eyes before running off. A few minutes later the same kid came rushing in with Chiron and a nurse. The noise of the nurse yelling for campers to get back in bed or to get out of the way woke Percy up. He looked up at you groggily and smiled and took you hand. "welcome back to society." He chuckled. The nurse ran to your side and immediately started to check your vitals. You sat their silent. your upper abdomen was hurting so badly that all you could do while this woman was poking around was watch Percy and grip his hand tightly as she yanked out tubes from the wound. "For the love of the gods be careful with her!" Percy yelled at the nurse. She realized how anxious she was and slowed down and gently pulled out the feeding tube from your arm and sat you up propped against some pillows. Chiron smiled. "i'm sorry this happened. I really am." you just managed to weakly reach out to him and pat his arm in way saying that it was ok and you forgave him. He smiled then walked out looking like he was about to cry. The nurse watched him. "You know he think of you as his own y/n." You nodded. You looked back at Percy who was still holding your hand. "How are you feeing?" he asked " I thought I was never going to be able to hear your voice again. I thought I lost you. I haven't left this room for a week. I was so scared." He said practically in tears.

"Percy-" you managed to get out the noises to form a word. you tried to speak again but it was like you lips were sealed shut. Your lips were heavy and wouldn't open and you entire body was limp.

"I was afraid I was gonna loose you. I can't loose you. Not you. without you there is no me....."




(what happens next? Ill try to post the rest tomarrow)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2017 ⏰

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