He tried to warn them

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We were partying at a usual party spot by the river, and some dude came out of the woods. He just kept saying weird shit like "You gotta watch yourself down here," "There are some bad folks around here," and when asked who he was he just said, "I'm nobody."

We were all a little sketched out, and basically told the guy to fuck off.

A couple days later a girl went off the rope swing there and got really fucked up. Someone put fishing hooks all over the bottom of the rope swing and it took chunks of flesh out of her leg.
Later we found out the dude was just a guy that lived nearby and although a creepy drunk, he was harmless. There was a fucked up, probably inbred family that lived up the road that he would warn people about. About 5 years later, last year, they beat some kid up with a log and kidnapped some girl at gunpoint and 

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