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Prologue~ SISTER?!


Sweat ran down my forehead when I awoke from my dream. More like nightmare...

It was the same one as always, with the same familiar feeling of uselessness. The tall man, who look like me, sitting on the couch holding a young girl with bright red hair and blue, unseeing eyes. She was upset that she couldn't see what her own brother looked like.

"But daddy!" She said through her tears.

Just then, there was a bang from the door, and there was a massive hole where it once stood.

The man stood, handing the girl over to the woman who was holding me, with similar hair. "Go Lily! Take Harry and Estelle! Stay safe!" He called a he stood to face the dark figure that was approaching, pulling a stick out of his pocket.

The woman, Lily, took me and the girl, Estelle, up a flight of stairs into a room with two cribs, placing each of us in one.

As Lily started moving things in front of the door, I looked around. It was an infantry, with yellow walls, and moving pictures?


The dark figure came into the room, after knocking down the door and it's barricade. Lily moved in front of my crib, making sure I can't see what evil there is in front of me, but Estelle was fine, very scared and pale looking, but her eyes remained unseeing, unaware of the danger.

In a flash of green, Lily fell to the ground, leaving a stranger in front of me and Estelle, who had a wicked grin on his face.

The green light came again, brighter this time, and with it I awoke.

It was horrible, every time I tried to escape from my life, I have that dream. It wasn't fair!

Suddenly, I heard thudding footsteps on the stairs above my closet. Please don't let him come in here, please don't...

My pleading and begging went in vain when the footsteps stopped outside me door. Oh no, not again in one night...

"What do you think you're doing boy?! It's the middle of the goddamn night! I'll teach you to wake me up!" And he grabbed me by my shirt.

That night, the beating wasn't as bad as I could have been. After 3 years of this, I have seen and experienced so much, it's a wonder that I'm still considered a child.

After Uncle Vernon was done, he threw me back into the closet, and I just lied there, too weak to move, too scared that if I was able to that it would bring him back.

Hopefully sleep will bring some peace...



"But professor! Harry isn't being treated correctly! Neither is Estelle! I demand that they come under Remus' and I's more than capable guardianship! NOW!" Sirius slammed his hands against the desk in front of him. I remained quiet, knowing that Dumbledore would like to explain why he lied to us in the first place.

After 3 years of fighting with the old man about the twins safety and happiness, with him constantly saying that the pair were both happy and well, he comes out and admits that he has been lying. Was I upset? Extremely. But getting angry will not solve anything, nor will it get the answers we need. 

        "Sirius, sit back down. I'm sure the professor will explain, if you'll let him get even a syllable out." As soon as I said that, Sirius calmed down and took a seat. Finally.

        "Ah yes, thank you Remus. Anyways, it appears that I was mistaken when I thought that the children were safe, and the only reason for that is well.. You two should probably come see yourself." The older man got up and just walked out of the room, not another word from him. Sirius and I shared a look, but we still followed. I want to know what made the old kook rethink his 'final decision'.

        We walked to the infrimory, which i will admit was strange. Not only was it summer, it was the middle of the night. Surely Madame Pomphrey woud be asleep, right? But there she was, bustling around a bed like she did with every student during the school year. The scene reminded me of when I would be here as a kid, mostly after the full moon, a lot of scrapes and a few broken bones every month. But it wasnt me in the bed, it was a minature Lily, at least thats what it appeared to be.

        "Lily?! Is that you?!" Sirius agreed with me, but something was off, especially when he went to embrace the small child just because of the similarities: Madame Pomphrey didn't bother to tell us not to mess with the girl. Weord, I know. "Wait... You don't have Lily's eyes, you have James' eyes.. REMUS IT'S ESTELLE! Estelle! What on earth happened to you? How did you get here? Hey, don't cry! Shh, it's ok!" Sirius just held her, and he almost looked like he could be her father.

        "Estelle, dear, tell the men what you told me, they won't hurt you." Pomphrey said gently, placing a glass of water next to the bed.

        "Why would they hurt me? It's Moony and Padfoot, they're the nice uncles. Unlike Carter, o-or W-Wormtail. And anyways, I got hurt, by Uncle Carter. He would h-hit me and h-he would touch me in weird places. Last night was especially bad, he went out drinking even though Aunty told him not to, he hits her a lot too. She wants to be nice to me, but he always tells her "No! Don't feed the freak the good food! She doesn't deserve it!" and things like that. But he went out, right, and when he came back, he was super angry and h-he had a friend with him. Him and his friend didn't play nice, and I-I-I was scared. 'Cause they were pl-pl-playing with fire and the kitchen knives, and they were like " Freak! Come here!" but I had a bad feeling about it so I ran for the door and just before I made it, a knife was coming at me, I only saw it since Aunty warned me, a-a-and I trned around and POOF! I was in the forest! So I walked around, and fell quite a few times, until Mr. Hagrid found me! Is he part giant? 'Cause he's huge! And not in the mean way! It's really cool! Moony, is everything ok? You look like you're gonna punch something, but that's not like you.." Estelle finished her story with an inquirey towards my well being. There is no doubt that she is Lily's daughter now.

        "Oh? Oh! Yes sweetie! I'm fine. But how do you remember me and Padfoot? The last time we saw you was when you were one! And my have you grown!" I faked a smile, so she wouldn't pick up that I am secretly planning Dumbledore's funeral, and I can tell Sirius was too.

        "Thank you! And I think it's called photo- photo- I have perfect memory! I remember everything since the day that I was born!" She had a big smile on her face, propably happy that she avoided a word that she couldn't pronounce. "But where's Harry? He's in danger too, ya know. Uncle Vernon isn't nice to him, he makes Harry live in a closet!"

        Wait, what?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2015 ⏰

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