Chapter 15: The International Tournament

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"Thank you Lord for another day" said Andrew as he woke up. He got out of bed, took a bath, brushed his teeth and changed his clothes. After he had done that, he went straight down stairs and ate his breakfast. Then later on, he left for school.
When he had arrived at school, he was greeted by his best friend Thomas "Hi Andrew ! Good Morning". Andrew responded "Good Morning Thomas ! So how was the trip to school ?". "Well it was ok, although there was a traffic jam going here so I was kinda bored." replied Thomas. Andrew responded "Oh is that so. Well at least you got to school safe. Am I right ?". "Yeah, you could say that" replied Thomas. In the middle of their conversation, the bells suddenly rang. "DING, DONG, DING." So Andrew said to Thomas "Come on ! We might get late for class". So the 2 hurried over to reach their classroom on time.
Then Andrew and Thomas ended up late on class. So later on they will be punished by T.Alexander. After a while class started with Math being the first subject. They learned about Abstract Reasoning, Quadratic Equations and Factorization. Obviously, Andrew, Lilith and Thomas excelled at it diligently and easily finished the seat works. After Math class they moved on with Science. At Science class they learned about chemistry. They did some experiments to test some solutions of mixtures. It was a lot of fun and Andrew and Lilith was commended for their diligence in Science. Then they continued on with the rest of their classes.
Then at 3:00 pm, they heard the bells ring. "DING, DONG, DING". It was the end of class and T.Alexander went to the room. "Everyone please go except for Andrew and Lilith. Please stay behind" said T.Alexander. Then everyone said "Ayeeeeeeeeeeeee". The 2 were already blushing severely that they couldn't look at each other in the eye anymore. So after everyone had left the room T.Alexander announced something. "Ok. Lilith and Andrew as you know we will be having the awards of Mathematician of the year and Scientist of the year award am I right ?". They responded "Yes !"
"Well in line with that the 2 of you are the winners of those awards. Both of you won those awards and it will be given to you on Recognition day. Besides that there is something more exciting. The 2 of you will be joining the "Sharon Math and Science Tournament" in the U.S. You 2 will be flying there to represent the school in that tournament. The tournament will be held on Jan. 11, 2018. So starting these months the 2 of you will stay here at class to review for 2 hours each day. Every weekends we will be studying at Lilith's house for 8 hours. I've already talked to your parents about this and they agreed. Teacher Lim and Teacher Jam will be guiding you in your review. Oh yea 1 more thing. In the airplane you 2 are always together so spend a sweet time together ! Hahahaha !". Then Andrew was already smiling with joy. For he was imagining while the 2 of them are in the plane. Then suddenly Lilith falls asleep and leans on Andrew's shoulder. He just couldn't wait for that to happen. But Lilith just keeps blushing and could not at all look at Andrew's eyes. So after the announcement Andrew asked Lilith "Hey Lilith do you want to eat at "Concha's" It's my treat !". Lilith responded "Sure Andrew".
So the 2 went to Concha's. They ordered their food and then started talking. "Hey Andrew are you excited for the tournament ?" said Lilith. "I'm only excited for it because I know I'm with you !" replied Andrew with a cheeky smile. "Stop teasing me Andrew !" said Lilith. "Alright, alright to be honest I'm actually excited for the questions in the tournament. But it's even more exciting just the thought of winning with you !" replied Andrew. "Aweeee so sweet" replied Lilith. "Thanks !" replied Andrew. Lilith responded "NOT !" with a smirk on her face. "Now that is what you call teasing !" said Andrew. "Hahahaha ! If you saw your face in the mirror !" said Lilith. "I already did ! I saw my face in the mirror right next to you !" replied Andrew. "You got me there !" said Lilith. So Andrew and Lilith had their cute conversation until they both went home.
When Andrew got home he prayed to God and gave him a thanksgiving prayer. Right after that Andrew fell asleep for he got tired. He also got the dream he wanted. The dream of Lilith leaning on his shoulder.

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