Coming up with a plan

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Lana POV

We make our way to the shore.
Helping Fermat as we go.

Poor boy really needs to learn how to swim. 

Note to self get Fermat swimming lessons.

"How about a little warning next time you pull a stunt like that?"

"Relax Fermat, it's just a little water."

But for Fermat it seems to be a death trap as he falls over in the water.
And unfortunately drags me with him.
Last time I try to help him trying to help him up.

"I could have drowned."

" but you didn't."

Thankfully we make it back to the beach. Me and tin tin go and wring the water out our clothes while Fermat goes behind the bushes.

Tin tin seems to be done before we and goes to see if Fermat is done.

After getting the last water out of my top I put it back on and soon walk up to tin tin and Fermat.

We walk along the beach listening to Fermat discus what we should do.

"Data from Tracy Island is sent to Thunderbird Five via satellite, right?"


"So, there's a miniscule possibility, that if we reach the Island's satellite station, we could-"

Blow it up I mean it would stop the hoods attack.

"Blow it up."

"No, we could hack into it and give control back to Thunderbird Five."

Okay that plan does seem better

"Good thinking, Fermat."

"Thank you"

"All right let's do it."

I walk away from the rocks and start drawing in the sand. With my plan.

"Here's the plan. We're here, right?"

draw a mark

"We should go along the shore, around the base of the mountain, to the access road here, and then up to the transmitter. So what do you think?"

I draw my plan on the sand

Tin tin doesn't look convinced

"Good, except that"

she points to each place on the map I have drawn in the sand

"we're here, not there. And the transmitter's there, not here."

She draws a line straight down the middle with a stick.

"We have to go through the jungle."

"But that's fo-fo-fo... off limits."

"It's gonna be dangerous."

"I'm in."

I hold my , Tin tin puts hers on top of mine . Fermat shrugs and then puts his hand on top as well. We start walking through the jungle.

"We've gotta get up there fast. All our folks are in trouble and if The Hood gets off the island...."

I won't let him destroy my dads work.

"Actually, he's not going anywhere for now."

He takes the Guidance Processor out of his pocket I grab it.

"This is the Guidance Processor from Thunderbird Two! He can't take off without it. Fermat, you're a genius, how did you get this?"

Why didn't I think of that.

"Alan, my friend, what you don't know can't hurt you."

Using my own words against me. 

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