Four years.
She had been stuck in the world of Attack on Titan for four goddamn years.
Well, that rules off the theory that she was stuck in a coma after the car hit her. She was sure her mind couldn't come up with such a complex and realistic dream.
Though it would be too much of a headache to try and figure out how exactly she got stuck in a fictional world as the female version of the main character.
It didn't make sense that she was still a girl, but she won't question it. She'll just chalk it up as a small mercy and she'll just keep doing what she's been doing, going with the flow and hope for the best.
Sure, she had a few goals here and there, but only a few of them could be accomplished while she was still a kid.
Joining the Survey Corps was something she genuinely wanted to do. Freeing humanity and being free was just a bonus.
The real reason she wanted to join was party because she was an adrenaline junkie.
There, she admitted it. There was just nothing more exciting than placing herself in 'dangerous' situations just to get a rush of adrenaline. She could get high on that stuff.
This was also another reason why she picked fights with the kids her age or play pranks on people who would likely give her a chase.
Her pulse rate practically increased at the idea of using the 3DMG to fight titans. The idea of weaving her way through the air as if she was skydiving and could die if she makes so much as one tiny mistake excited her greatly. The idea of dying wasn't appealing though, she's already done it before after all.
Not to mention weaving through the air like could be considered as flying, if looked at from a certain perspective. She'd be as free as the birds who ventured in and out of the walls as they pleased.
This idea was followed by a sense of longing.
In her old life people had the right to go where they pleased as long as they abide to the laws, people weren't obligated to stay in one location like in this world.
Perhaps when she helps Historia become the ruler of the Walls she could convince the blonde to apply human rights and dissolve the monarchy into a democracy? Not only would it improve humanity's situation but it would also help Eren's sense of longing decrease.
Maybe she could even help Hange in advancing technology. Like most Eren didn't know how exactly a phone or fridge was made, but she could still help.
Don't get her wrong, she didn't miss her old world much. Sure, she mourned for a few days for the loss of her family. But it was her own fault for taking her own damn life, so she had no right to mourn.

أدب الهواةHis greatest weapon was his ability to transform into a titan. Her greatest weapon is her foresight. SI-OC-Fem!Eren