Part 1 (Rollerskaters)

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It's been one year since the barrier broke, one whole year and my stupid species still can't accept the Monsters. I had met my fair share of Monsters and I absolutely love their company, I just didn't understand why the rest of the Humans could accept them into their lives. Right now, I was Rollerblading at a Multi-Racial Rink, there were Monsters than Humans but I wasn't complaining because the Humans were bullies and speaking of that I was keeping an eye on a group of teenage boys, they rollerbladed fast by other Monsters making them fall and there was a separate area for the fast skaters. I stuck my hands in my (f/c) hoodie and slowly Rollerbladed around the Rink, I pulled down my camo green shorts every now and then but they were at a comfortable spot so I left them. As I was Rollerblading I ran into one or two Monster children who were struggling to roller skate so I helped them along, as I was about to skate off I heard a loud yelp, I looked for the source and found that those pesky boys were harassing a child in a green and yellow jersey, they were knocking them around. I growled a little and rollerbladed over, when I got to a safe distance I knocked all 4 of the boys down, they looked up at me in surprise,

"Either you behave or you get off the floor,"

I looked at the child, one look at them and I couldn't really tell if it was a boy or girl, I'd have to figure that out later, I put my hand out with a kind smile and they took my hand nervously. I put them behind me when the ring leader stood up, he was taller than me so he looked down at me with a scowl,

"Give that Monster Lover back,"

He reached behind me and I grabbed his wrist, he stopped and stared down at me,

"Do you know who you're fucking with?"

I frowned,


I stated simply before I began squeezing his wrist, his eyes widened in pain and he tried to get his wrist out of my hand, I squeezed harder until I heard a satisfying pop and he screeched. The whole Rink went silent,

"Ouch, that sounds bad, you better get that checked out, oh and do not come back, you and your posse, Monster haters are not welcome,"

I dropped his wrist and he cradled it to himself, he watched me before he skated off with his friends, the Rink resumed its activity and I breathed a sigh of relief, I looked back at the child,

"You okay?"

The child nodded with a smile and I knelt down to their level,

"My names y/n, what's yours?"

The child watched me for a bit before answering,

"My names Chara,"

I grinned,

"Wonderful to meet you Chara, now are you here alone?"

Chara shook her head,

"I'm here with my two older brothers,"

I frowned,

"Shouldn't they be taking care of you?"

Chara looked down at the floor guiltily,

"I kinda lost them in the crowd,"

I smiled,

"No problem, hey you wanna skate with me until we find them?"

Chara's face lit up and they nodded vigorously, I chuckled and took their hand, we skated for a bit before I got an idea,

"Hey do you like going fast?"

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