Part 9 (END)

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I sat in the jail massaging my head, I had been in Jail for the past week waiting for my trial. A Monster Hating couple caught Papyrus and I sharing a kiss by the lake and reported us, we were both arrested but I begged the court to let Papyrus go and that I would take his sentence and much to his dismay they allowed it, so now here I sat waiting to plead my case for the judge and jury as well as the entire world.

I heard a brief knock against my jail cell door, I looked up and found the Guard watching me sadly,

"Time to go,"

I nodded and stood up, he opened my cell door and put on my handcuffs, I picked at the ghastly orange suit as we walked together to the courtroom, before I went in the Guard stopped me with a light touch to my shoulder,

"Just know I support you all the way, I hope they listen to your plea and let you go,"

I smiled gratefully at the Guard, he too was in love with a Monster and despised the fact I was in here, he had kept me safe the past week from the rowdy inmates and made sure I got food. He opened the door and as I walked in the cameras started flashing and the live recording cameras faced me, I was the first Human ever to break the Monster Laws and the whole world was fascinated by me for it. The Guard sat me down at the Stand as the Judge banged his hammer several times, his voice boomed across the court,

"Order in the Court!"

I looked around and found Papyrus seated right at the front with his hands clasped together as if he was praying, he watched me fearfully. I smiled softly at him and he smiled back but very weakly, he was terrified for me, the rest of the Monster family I had met sat there watching me, Chara jumped nervously in King Asgore's lap, Christopher wanted to be here too but I told him not to come as I didn't want to implicate him,

"We are here today to hear the plea of F/N L/N, if this plea does not move the court or change our minds she will be sentenced to 2 years in a State Prison"

The Judge looked down at me with harsh and unforgiving eyes,

"Miss L/N why were you with a Monster fully knowing of what the consequences would be?"

I sighed, here we go,

"Because I did not care for the law, a Monster deserves to be treated as an Equal,"

The court murmured and the Judge banged the hammer,

"But you still knew of the consequences?"

I gritted my teeth,


I murmured,

"And why would you tarnish your name for a filthy Monster?"

I looked up at the Judge and he leant back a bit surprised at the anger flaring in my eyes,

"Because I love him!"

The court went silent at my confession, I looked at Papyrus and his eyes had widened, I had never told him that I loved him so it must've been a surprise,

"And, why shouldn't I? He's not a filthy Monster, none of them are filthy. They're all wonderful caring creatures that deserve our patience and welcome,"

I looked at the Judge and he was bristling with rage,

"They started a War that killed thousands of us! They all deserve to die like the rest of us did!"

I stood up and glared at him,

"They didn't start SHIT! If you read your History correctly, you'll find that we Humans actually started the War! And what does it matter? We weren't alive for the War anyway; we've multiplied by the Billions while they're barely scraping the Hundreds so even if they did try start a War it wouldn't look good for them. They've been nothing but tolerant to us and we've done nothing but try to push them back down under, they're the forgiving ones, why can't we also forgive them?"

The court had gone deathly silent, even the Judge had sat back now curious for what I had to say, I faced the entire court, more the cameras as I spoke to the entire world,

"For all the Monster Haters out there, what is your reason? What have they ever done to you for you to hate them? Why don't you just give them a chance? They're the friendliest, most welcoming creatures you'll ever meet, they're filled to the brim with love and happiness and they're willing to share it with you so why not open your arms and let them?"

I looked straight at Papyrus and his eyes shined with wonder,

"Because I opened I bubble to all these wonderful Monsters I have found the love of my life, my everything, he means the world to me. Every breath I share with him is a gift and I look forward to spending forever with him,"

He grinned at me as I watched unshed tears gather in his eyes, I looked back at the Judge and his expression had softened,

"I'm not the only one in love with a Monster surely and love is something we Humans promote but how can we love inside a jail cell?"

The Judge looked out at the crowd,

"You wanted to know if I proclaim to be Guilty or Innocent?"

The Judge's eyes found me again,

"I am Guilty for loving a Monster, for loving an entire group of Monsters,"

The Judge stayed silent and he watched me, I sat back down under his glare, I looked at Papyrus once more and found his eyes closed as he literally prayed for me to be let go, I closed my eyes waiting to hear my sentence,

"Miss F/N L/N, your words have moved me as well as the rest of the world for that I abolish all Negative laws against Monsters,"

I sighed in relief and opened my eyes to watch the Judge, he watched me for a bit before slamming his hammer,

"And I now announce you free of all charges, you're free to go,"

HE smiled at me warmly and I nodded my head with a smile, grateful. As I looked forward I found Papyrus leaping over the barrier to get to me along with Chara and Sans but Papyrus reached me first and pulled me out from behind the stand. I giggled against his chest as he swung me around, as soon as my feet touched the ground I felt Charas arms wrap around my leg and Sans arms wrap around me waist. We all stood there laughing and crying together in relief when we heard someone clear his throat, everyone let go of me as I found the Security Guard standing there and smiling,

"I am very happy to say that I'd like to remove those handcuffs,"

I put my arms out gratefully and he removed my cuffs, I rubbed my wrists gratefully,

"Well I guess now that laws abolished I can finally ask a certain Spider Lady out to dinner,"

I grinned as he walked away, I turn back and found only Papyrus standing with me now, he placed his skeletal hand against my cheek and I nuzzled against it, he placed a hand on my waist and pulled me to him,

"So you love me?"

I grinned and opened my eyes, I stared into his white eyes,

"Yes I do,"

Papyrus sighed and hugged me,

"I thought you would be scared but I love you too y/n, with all my heart and soul,"

I grinned,

"Isn't that technically the same thing for you,"

Papyrus smacked my bum lightly and I giggled, he pulled away with a grin and looked at my outfit,

"You know I've always liked the color orange but that shade does not suit you,"

I threw my head back with a laugh before looking at him with a smirk,

"Well take me home and you can peel it off of me,"

Papyrus's eyes lit up orange and he grinned,

"Oh I intend to,"

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