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Thornbrooke isn't a big town. Three neighborhoods, Hawken Estates where the rich live, Mountain Peak for the fairly wealthy, and Meadow Lake, my neighborhood, the poor neighborhood. Down Timberton Way is the church, Greta's Groceries, some fancy clothes stores I've never been in, The Thirsty Pig, a bar I go in to steal a lot, The Dapper Diner, a small diner, and The Sword in the Stone, a very eclectic shop and easy to steal from. My house in Meadow Lake is pretty small, barely big enough for me and my sister. 2 bedroom apartment, only a few neighbors, no yard. My older sister had a job and an alright pay but it wasn't enough. Stealing was how I got by. Mostly food was what I stole but clothing was also an option.

"Jonah! Jonah, hurry up!" my sister screamed from the kitchen. Crap. I thought, What did I do this time.

"Coming!" I yelled. I wandered out of my room into the kitchen, "What's up?"

"What are you wearing Jonah?" She asked, clearly annoyed. I looked down at my baggy pants and slippers with a hole by my big toe. I looked back up at her and shrugged. She rolled her eyes, "Well get dressed, you're coming into town with me."

"Okay," I responded and walked off back to my room. I threw on some jeans, a random shirt and my running shoes. I grabbed my coat on the way out, "Jenna! Wait up!" Out the door of the apartment, into the bustling streets of Thornbrooke. I saw Jenna down the street, headed for the market. A chill whipped the streets and made me shiver. I decided I would go get a new hat from Sword in the Stone since it was getting colder. I turned to the left and walked in the opposite direction of my sister, down Timberton Way. The walk to Sword in the Stone isn't far so I was there in no time. I waited until I saw someone else walking up to the door and slipped in with them. I crouched down, sneaking behind racks of clothes. As soon as I was safe I stuck my head up and began looking at the hats. One caught my eye so I checked the price, (Hey, I try not to always steal) 25 dollars. Nope, I definitely didn't have that kind of money. I looked around the store to make sure no one was looking then slipped it into my coat. I looked around again. No one saw, or so I thought. I started to make my way to the exit when I heard someone call from the back.

"Hey, you!" I whipped around. Was she talking to me? There was no one else in the store so I guess so, "Yeah, YOU! Get over here kid," This was it, I'd been caught, I was going to go to juvie and die there all alone with no friends, all the big kids would beat me up, I'm just a little twig, I wouldn't survive. She had a phone in her hand, which meant she definitely knew I stole something. I looked at my feet, slightly ashamed, "Look at people when they are talking to you kid!" She bellowed. My head jerked upward to see her directly in front of me.

"Sorry, ma'am," I muttered. I could run now but what use would it do, she going to call the police anyway.

She grabbed my arm and gripped it tightly, she really didn't want me go anywhere, "Now I know you tried to steal from me, I won't call the police if you do me a favor," I looked up at her. Normally I'd be locked up already.

"Uh, sure?" I said, wondering what she needed me for.

"I need you to steal something," Easy. No problem, I steal all the time. But she wasn't done, "From Mr. Lancaster," I looked at her, dumbstruck. What could she possibly need from Mr. Lancaster? "He has my grandmother's tea pot, the only family heirloom I have left. I need you to get it back. If you do you and whoever else can live with me, you will have good food and no reason to steal" I nodded, "Now get out of my sight."

"Yes ma'am," I said and ran out the store. The hat was still in my coat but I don't think she cared. I ran down the streets back to the apartment. I had a lot of planning to do. I threw open the door to the apartment complex. I pounded the elevator button. Too slow. I thought, I looked around, Stairs. I ran up the stairs, two at a time. I was not losing anytime. I reached the door of our apartment after three flights of stairs. I panted as I reached for my key. Which pocket..! This one? Nope. This one? No. Maybe this one? Aha! Found it. I fumbled with the key and stuck it in the lock. Twist, twist, twist... Perfect! I threw open the door, pulled out the key and slammed it behind me. I grabbed a random notebook and pen from off the counter and ran into my room. Flipping to a random page, I began to write ideas.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2017 ⏰

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