Getting the tickets.

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We're not your typical movie vampire when in daylight we burn up or like twilight we shine, NO, we are just like normal people who drink blood and we have fangs. But we don't drink human blood cause it just seems wrong to me to be doing that so we get either blood bags or we hunt for animals.

How we got this way? Well here's the story........

Chapter 1

1000 Years ago.

"What!!!! That's amazing, how did you get the tickets?!" Tamia asked me.

"Well you don't wanna know how hun" I reply, to be honest how I got it was really funny, I didn't even pay for it.

Flash back....

"Hi can I get six big mac combos to go?" I asked the McDonalds person

"Yep, that would be $55.60" I handed him the cash.

5 minutes later and I got all six of my big macs. But when I was turning around someone bumped into me.

"Watch where you're going next time dude, you almost made me drop my babies" I tell him hugging my food to me to protect it.

"I'm soooo sorry, I'm just in a hurry to get away from the mob outside" When he said that I could now hear the chants of Niall Niall Niall!!!! Outside.

"Wait you're the Niall Horan?" I asked him.

"Yep the one and only" His accent is adorable "are you coming to the concert tomorrow night ?" he asked me.

"No I couldn't afford the tickets and neither could my friend" that's a lie, I could afford it but my "parents" grounded me from going. He put two thin looking things in my way.

"Are you serious?!" I asked him.

"Yea, I want to see you afterwards if that's ok?" I couldn't speak so I just nod " Ok well I gotta go, see ya tomorrow k. Bye" he said then ran off.

Flash back over

"Fine, don't tell me, but let's get ready we have today to sort our outfit, then tomorrow the concert." Tamia says.

"Yep, all sounds great. Lets go buy clothes. Oh and my parents no nothing of this ok?" I tell her.

"Sure thing. So what do you think I should wear? Your best at the whole clothing thing" she asks me.

"Lets go shopping and find out" I say, leading us to the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2014 ⏰

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