Chapter 42 Reds

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Chapter 42: Check Yes or No

We started way back in third grade. I use to sit beside Emmy Lou Hayes. A pink dress and a matching bow in her ponytail. She kissed me on a school bus but told me not to tell.

"Alright class, settle down. Now here on the bus we must sit next to our classmate we sit next to in the classroom. Yes Blossom, that means you sit next to Brick and not one of your sisters," Ms. Keane says. Blossom sighs as she sits down next to Brick. Brick takes the time to notice that her dress and bow are pink just like her eyes. The bow pulling back her beautiful red hair into one long ponytail. Blossom giggled as Brick stared at her.

"You uh look nice," Brick tried to complement her.

"Thank you," Blossom giggled again, giving him a quick kiss. "Sshh, just don't tell anyone I kissed you. Its our little secret," Blossom said, smiling widely at him. Brick just nodded, a slow blush crawling up his cheeks.

Next day I chased her around the playground. Across the monkey bars to the merry go round. And Emmy Lou got caught passing me a note. And before the teacher took it. I read what she wrote. Do you love me? Do you want to be my friend? And if you do well don't be afraid to take me by the hand if you want to. I think this is how love goes. Check yes or no.

"I'm going to catch you," Brick shouted as he chased after Blossom. She was easily dodging him from tagging her as they played during recess.

"No you're not," Blossom taunted as she scrambled across the monkey bars. Brick followed her yelling am too. Each time he did she would yell back not. Brick chased her all the way to the merry go round where he spun her so much and so fast that she got very dizzy.

"Alright kids, recess is over. Time to come in and learn," Ms. Keane yelled. One right after the other, all the kids filed into the classroom. Blossom quickly passed a note to Brick as she sat down. Ms. Keane rolled her eyes as she walked over to them. "Now guys, there is no note passing during school," Ms. Keane reminded them as she took the note. Before she took it, Brick saw what it said. Do you love me? Do you want to be my friend? To bad he didn't get the chance to check yes or no. So instead he just smiled over at Blossom.

Now we're grown up and she's my wife. Still like two kids with stars in our eyes. Ain't much changed. I still chase her in the living room, up and down the hall, and around the bed in our room.

Brick laughed as he walked inside their house hand in hand with Blossom. Their rings just looked right next to each other. Blossom looked just as pretty as the day he met her. Brick had no idea how he got her to marry him. Blossom just loved the fact that they were still kids with the stars in their eyes. Nothing has really changed between them except for the fact they've gotten older.

"I'm going to get you," Brick yells at her as they race around the living room.

"No you're not," She calls back, running up the hall and quickly back down before he can catch up. He just yells am too and she yells back are not. They make it all the way up to the bedroom where he then chases her around the bed. For once he is actually glad he played football. He gently tackles her onto the bed.

"Told you I would get you," He says, laying lightly on top of her. She just smiles and pecks his lips.

"Only cause I let you," She teases him.

Last night I took her out in a white limousine. Twenty years together she still gets to me. Can't believe its been that long ago but we got started with just a little note.

"Dad, you have to take mom out. It's your twentieth anniversary," The little red headed girl said. Brick chuckles as he scoops her up in his arms.

"You think I don't know that? I was there all twenty years after all," Brick says.

"She's actually right for once, dad. We all know mom's disappointed that you guys aren't doing anything this year," The red headed boy says, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Good, good," Brick says, putting his little girl down.

"What?" Both kids cry out in confusion.

"Billy, Belle, you never do catch on right away huh? Just like your mother. Look outside the window," Brick says, nodding his head towards the window. Each kid slowly make their way to the window and look outside.

"A limousine?" Belle almost screams. Brick gives her the be quiet signal. "A limousine?" Belle mouths. Brick nods.

"You guys didn't really think I'd not do anything special for your mother tonight? Did you? By now you should all know that your mother's birthday and our anniversary are big deal to me and I always deliver something special," Brick says with a glint in his eyes.

"Does this mean I'm in charge?" Billy asks. Brick chuckles and nods. Brick then walks into the living room.

"Hey sweetheart, let's go out tonight," Brick says, pulling Blossom towards the door by her hand.

"What about the kids," Blossom asks, looking confused.

"Billy is old enough to be in charge. Come on let's go," Brick says, opening the door. Blossom's eyes widen at the sight of a limousine in front of her house. She glances at Brick and he nods. Then out of no where she runs towards the limousine, challenging him to a race which she of course wins. Brick was amazed at how these twenty years had turned out and all thanks to a little note way back in the third grade.

Do you love me? Do you want to be my friend? And if you do well don't be afraid to take me by the hand if you want to. I think this is how love goes. Check yes or no. Do you love me? Do you want to be my friend? And if you do well don't be afraid to take me by the hand if you want to. I think this is how love goes. Check yes or no. Check yes or no. Check yes or no. Check yes or no. Check yes or no.

Brick and Blossom sat down at a table inside her favorite restaurant. Blossom was really shocked at all of this. She told Brick she didn't want anything big or special this year.

"So, I thought we agreed on nothing special," Blossom says, looking up at Brick.

"Well, come on. You would have been disappointed if I didn't do anything and its our twentieth anniversary. I think you deserve a huge prize for putting up with me for twenty years. God knows I'm a pain in the ass," Brick says with a teasing smirk.

"True. At least you're not Butch. Just imagine what prize Buttercup deserves when it comes time for their twentieth anniversary," Blossom said with a laugh. Brick laughed with her.

"Butch is gonna have to work his ass off for that one," Brick agreed. Reaching into his pocket, Brick pulled out a piece of paper. "Remember this?" Brick asks, sliding it to Blossom. She unfolds the paper and sees its her note from the third grade. She instantly blushes and nods. "Well, I never did get to check yes or no," Brick says. Then he leans across the table, kisses her cheek, and checks the yes box. Blossom had to agree, best twentieth anniversary ever.

Should I stop?  Maybe this is the late chapter of this book

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