The Horrible Truth

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I barely slept all night, the thought of the devourer and his conqueror army hunting me down, and this prince? I don't have a sibling who is a prince, who were they talking about? Clearly mistaken.

Lynx was prowling around the treetops, waiting for me to fully awaken. I had set her free early this morning, maybe an hour ago. The trees I love, orange and yellow crisp leaves rustled in the warm wind, the sunset, beautiful! Why did the villains get the best island?

Anyway, she got impatient, her huffs I could hear were filled with frustration and energy. She clawed my arm as I screeched in pain. Small circular drops of blood rolled down my arm. "Lynx!" I hit her paw with ease, she didn't seem to mind. She acted like a statue, focused on something in the bushes below as I gripped my elbow with aw. Hesitantly she bent down and started to lick the crease of my elbow. I couldn't help but smile as her giant fangs pushed against my skin, and her rubbery tongue coated my arm with saliva. She apologized.


We had marched down a path which had a sign that read, Stetriol's Village, 2 km ahead. The cobbled path echoed our footsteps as if we were walking through a ravine, so we decided to walk on the soil that lay loose next to it, Hoping for food and freshwater and gossip about Lynx's talisman. "Eh, so this is the plan." I cheerfully started to talk with Lynx stuck to my side. "We walk from here to the village, beg for food and water, but maybe it's wise not to show you off, they will know you, won't they?" Lynx chuffed in agreement, "Anyway if we want them to tell us information about your talisman, they can't know I'm your summoner. " I sighed as Lynx sat down with a thud. I started to doubt my plan, not seeing how we could get them to tell us at least where it's kept.

I bent down next to lynx, I was tired and sweating. Her sight was locked to the jungle, she then placed a paw over my waist, her throat started to rumble as a growl entered the air. Her grumble was low and terrifying, shot straight into the trees like thunder. I crawled to my full height, now standing on my feet. My sight also stared right into the forest. Two burning orange tigers came out of the colorful trees, prowling and growling with every step. I scrambled onto Lynx's fluffy white spine, she heaved herself up with bravery swimming through her veins. This time, five conquers stepped out from the shadows. The same lady, I'm guessing Karen with the Golden Lion monkey, the two men with the dogs and two new women with the Tigers, stalking in front of them.

Lynx ran forward then with a halt she opened her jaws and roared. It was so loud, I was deaf for a few seconds. The tiger's ears had folded back with fury, the monkey on the woman's shoulder hissed, showing its long yellow stained fangs. The two dogs were not in sight, which worried me.

"Who are you?" The lady with long black dreaded hair asked simply. Lynx did not let her guard down, she gave me a quick glance seeming to me she wanted me to lie. "Do not hesitate young girl." She walked closer, her monkey's tail wrapped around her arm.

"Sylvia. Sylvia snake." I spat with disgust. "Why do you go by the name snake?" One of the men who had his dog dormant, yelled with confusion, "Because I'm untrustworthy, that's what my town says. I'm a snake" I tensed as the woman with the Tigers seemed to growl. "But you didn't summon a snake, instead you summoned Lynx. We know who you are. Your one of the chosen. " As the sentence finished the two tigers ran towards us with a grin strapped to their teeth. Much larger than the two tigers, Lynx used her size and bowled the Tigers over. They wined and snarled as they flipped through the air.

Now the dogs were loose, only to reveal they weren't dogs at all! Jackals now ran for us, teeth bared as the Tigers followed. The humans also ran for us, swords in hand. We turned with a huff and started to run. We ran a few meters before five more Conquerors sprang from their hiding places in the bushes and trees. Lynx reared with a snarl as two more the attackers were on horseback in front of us, grappling hooks swinging in the air above their heads. Lynx's head jumped high as her jaws separated and a painful cry escaped her vocal cords. One of the grappling hooks was impaled in the flesh that lay on her rump.

I quickly swiveled on her back, now facing the enemy. The one who had thrown the hook was now chuckling to himself, pulling with all his strength. I pulled the blade out of Lynx's skin, she propelled forward with the force of the man's grip released but had a serious limp. "Karen, stop them!" I glanced back, past the wave of conquerors, a young man stood, my age. He wore a black and red stitched mask with a male lion at his side. The lion stood still, its eyes locked on us. His long golden mane stretched to his stomach, it blew gently in the warm Stetriol winds.

With a hand gesture from the masked man, the lion started to come for us. He ran with his head low, picking up the pace. Getting faster and faster. He jumped over the men and women, almost on our tail. "Lynx!" I cried as the lion gained on us. We turned our trail, out from the plains into the trees. With a stomp of its foot the lion growled with defeat, a figure stood next to it now, then he disappeared. It was the masked man. How did he catch up to us? He was across the plains before, it had only been at least two minutes!

Now the boy disappeared, so we continued walking in the treetops. "We know it's you Sonali, and I will find you, Either Garph or Sleet will help. Those greencloaks can't protect you forever because they let you leave, they would never protect you, They would probably now, try and raid your village and kill your family, or steal your most prized possession " The boys frustrated voice was cut off by another, "Leroy! Get back to the castle." It was Karen, she seemed to be the beta of this group of hostiles, Leaving the masked man, as the hidden prince. The boy huffed, Then spat a few words. "They will make you become one of them, A pathetic wannabe who has no purpose. I just hope it doesn't come to that." He seemed to be worried about my mental state, I just hope he wasn't right.

It seemed like we had been walking for hours, but I'm sure it was because of the loud grunts lynx had exhaled. The day was now dusk, as I placed my injured Lynx to passive form. The screams of frustration and defeat had now shot silent as I sat high on an untrustworthy branch, quite near the plains.

Tiredness swallowed my strength and momentum, so I did as it asked and let my eyelids slowly cover my exhausted eyes.

"Sonali, Sonali help us!" My mother called as Suna snuggled to her chest with fear, her eyes clamped shut. My mother's face was horrified, as flames burst through the floor and trapped them in a flaming cage. I didn't feel the need to help her, instead, I drew my sword and gripped the handle tightly. With one glance up at my lord, I threw my sword as he accepted. I had murdered what I had left, My family, and most prized possession. I felt no grief nor sorrow, But I did, victory. A hand gripped my shoulder, It was the boy who went by the name 'Leroy.' " I told you, " He dug his fingers deeper into my collarbone. "They made you become one of them, But you see, Our natures are very different. You have to find out what yours is, But let me tell you. One weakness shines out the most, You will obey orders from whomever you think is your ally, But the greencloaks have taken advantage of that." He spread out his arm towards my dead mother and red panda. "They made you a killer, and you believe that is right.." His voice faded as everything started to spin, "Huhhhhhh" My mother's dead corpse gasped, "They will lead you to a dead end, Huhhh, until you have torn yourself apart!"

"Ah!" My back sprung high, I was now sitting still, horrified as my mother once was in that nightmare. My eyes huge, My lungs trying to suck in as much air as possible. I tilted my head to my shoulder, my eyes staring at Lynx's tattoo. "We need to get your talisman Before anyone can control me." 

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