He finds out you self-harm (Charlie)

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I'll put * when it starts and * when it ends
Your P.O.V (17)
I woke up to my alarm blasting hopeful by BaM yes I listen to my brothers music don't judge so anyways I got dressed and ate only a little and walked to school but as soon as I got there the insults started the main bullies were Katrina,Molly,and Betty (if these are your names then change them) but it's also everyone at the school so as is as saying they started to call me name like "bitch" "slut" "whore" "ugly" then at lunch they spilled all their lunch on me I cried and ran home luckily no one was there so I ran to to my room and grabbed my blades * I put the cool metal to my wrist and watched as the warm crimson liquid ran down my arm to the floor and I cut about 20 cuts when Charlie ran in I thought he was in tour "y/n why" the  18  year old in front of me asked already having on the bathroom counter and he bandeging up my wrists while I stayed quiet he asked me again raising his voice but still looking sad "WHY Y/N" he said more like yelled I whimpered and said "the bullies" and his expression softened and he stopped yelling and said "oh y/n we'll change you schools how's that" I simply nodded in return saying "yeah I'd like that" and he actually just let me finish high school online and I started dating Leo and now I never ever hurt my self intentionally

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