A Heartbreaking Battle, Luffy vs Sanji [Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader]

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One Piece Oneshot: Vinsmoke Sanji x Reader (aka you)

Contains: reunion/rescue turn horrible, angst, sad and heartbreaking (if you read the manga and saw the one hour special)

Also, some cussing here and there. (I never cussed before in my blogs and such, but this is a start LOL)

ALSO, mentioned of depression/fragile-ness/Reader is ultimately sensitive/has a fragile heart/mentioned of self-harm

(If the story somewhat goes through you, or the word trigger, don't read if your going through something, or dont keep going on reading, okay?)

Warning: I might throw in a plot-ish twist. And Sanji may be OOC sorry!!

(shoot me with that preview that I was forced to watch AGAIN ADGGJJLL)

Summary: You, Luffy, and Nami were on your way to see/save Sanji, but what happens takes a horrible turn between friendships between a captain and a chef, and also a secret relationship that is about to reveal to Luffy and Nami.

A/N: WHY AM I DOING THIS TO MYSELF. I hope you guys enjoy!! I never wrote oneshots, nor fanfictions before so this is kinda a start since this particular part was in my head the entire time. Again, hope you enjoy!!

Story Start:

You were with Luffy and Nami, riding on top of King Baum, you were only in deep thought when he said that the Vinsmokes were on their way to the castle to meet up with Big Mom for the wedding. "Huh? W-What did he say, Nami?", you turned to her with a tired, but a surprised face. Luffy then, back to his original form from battling Cracker, suddenly opens his eyes the moment he heard Sanji's name and starts to sit up and turns. "Is that him? In the carriage!", Luffy happily shouted, suddenly having energy back. Both you and Nami turned, and there is the carriage and a yellow dot from afar is no mistake. "It looks like!", Nami said. You gulped, stomach in knots but you were happy on seeing him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2017 ⏰

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A Heartbreaking Battle, Luffy vs Sanji (One Shot) [Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now