
31 1 14

Your name is Laser
Mine Name Is Taser
A bit Yandederederdedrede'nnnn
I watched as Senpai was walking home with his girlfriend.
"Laser give me back my Drawing!!!"
"Not until you tell me who it's for!!!"
"Pretty Kitty~"
I growled but suddenly I got a idea to kill her...
"Hello? Who's there? Show yourself!!!" Senpai's dead to be soon girlfriend yelled in the darkness,where I was waiting for her to say it.
"I'm N-not scared of y-you!! Who ever you are!"
I walked slowly out of the darkness behind her with a gun in my hand.
I planted the gun on the back of her forehead and chuckle.
"Goodbye Kitty!"
She slowly turned around then the most crazy thing I saw,well maybe not,She laughed,I meant I saw more crazy people than her but a gun but pointing at her head and-She Thinks This Is Fake!!!!
Oh I show her fake!!!
I will give her the gift of D e A t H
"Taser!? What are you doing-"
Her eyes widen and fell backwards.
I frowned.I wanted to make her death last longer.I wanted her to Feel my pain when she was with MINE FUCKING SENPAI!!!!!
I heard cries behind me.
I couldn't think right and I turned around quickly as possible and shoot the person...
I dropped the gun and cover my mouth with both of my hands.
I walked backwards slowly until i felt hands and people yelling.
I smiled.
I Chuckle.
I Laughed.
I'm Crazy Baba!
I Wanted NOne to have you.
Why couldn't I think of this sooner!
I could have kill you!
I killed My Senpai So Senpai Could Feel What I Meant When Senpai Kissed Any-Girls-Boys...
M y. J o B. H e R e. I s. D o N e.

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