Well by the tittle of this I guess you've understood what I'm going to talk about. Social Anxiety. It's not a fanfic or a book/story anything really but a simple awareness message so here it goes.
Social Anxiety affects 13% of the people on our planet earth. I am one of those people. Social Anxiety or SA is a horrible thing that no one deserves. I've recently been diagnosed with it and I've had it for a while before actually talking to my parents about it. SA is something that can actually cause people to go into depression or go into a state that they think there is nothing left and they either take their own lives (kill themselves/suicide) or turn to drugs, alcohol and or sex.
Social Anxiety for the people that don't know is an anxiety disorder that cause people to:
•feel nervous in public settings
•avoid going out in public
•feel the need to always have someone with them
•don't make eye contact with strangers or even people they know
•when in front of a crowd they feel like they want to crawl in a corner and die
•always feel that someone is judging them
•usually doesn't talk for fear of people laughing at them
•doesn't raise their hand in class even if they know (for sure) the answer
•when walking past people they keep their head down and don't make eye contact
•worry about public gatherings ages in advance
•is self conscious even with the people that care most about them
•always afraid of embarrassing themselves
•fear that others will notice the nervousness
Sometimes in public situations people with SA get:
•red face/blushing
•short of breath
•racing heart
•shaking voice
•hot flashes
•feeling dizzy or in extreme cases may faint
•tightness in the chest
People with Social Anxiety are usually always stressed and it's a horrible feeling to have. I know first hand what it's like and it is one of THE MOST HORRIBLE things to experience. Please please please please please never make fun of anyone that has a Social Anxiety disorder, they can't help it or do anything about it. If you think someone has Social Anxiety help them out, slowly and slowly talk to them more become their friend make them feel like someone that others like it's the best way to help them out. If any of you want to talk about Social Anxiety or just plain talk in general about anything I'm pretty much always available. Never EVER EVER do anything irrational while there is someone to talk to. Always remember it does get better.
-If y'all could get this out to the world that would be great! Share it to your friends so they can understand what the hell you're going thru!
-If things aren't better it's not the end because everything works out in the end!!!
-Everything is better in the end!!!
-If you wanna talk to someone just inbox me, I check my inbox daily so I will see it I promise! If I don't reply right away I haven't seen it but don't worry I will. I'll talk to you for as long as you need (unless it's a school day and I need to sleep)!!