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I went inside the house. I looked at the guards who was standing outside the room. I asked them why did them didn't accompany her inside but they told me that she want to be alone. I shooked my head. This girl is really hard to handle I thought.

"All of you can go now but make sure that all the door or window had been locked." I said and they all nodded and I open the door and went inside the room.

She was sitting down on the floor with her back leaned on the bed with her eyes closed. I slowly walking towards her and sitting down next to her. I leaned my head on the bed same as her and look at her. She still didn't know my presence so I decide to keep quiet and staring at her.

Once she opened her eyes , she immediately stand up and want to press the purple button on them remote that she was holding. I want to take the remote from her but she was holding it tightly. She glare at me but I won't let her to press the button. I wouldn't let her in with her conditions like that.

At last she give up and look away then let me take the remote from her. She sitting back like before and covers her face with both of his hand. I put the remote inside my pocket and sitting next to her again but this time, I sitting closely to her untill my skin was touching with her. She don't even move but still covering her face.

"Eun Rae. Please don't be like this." I said but she still didn't move at all or showing any action that she will listened to me. I look at her elbow that was injured because of the accident before. It's still bleeding and I know it's hurt but she didn't show the pain that she was hold

"Okay. I'm sorry. I do it for your safety and for your own good. Can't you see that I do it just for you ? If I can I want to be there beside you all the time, make sure that you're safe and follow wherever you want to go. But I can't because I've a lot of things need to do. And now , see what happen to you ? You're injured. Even though you're not badly injured but I know , you're hurting and you didn't showed it on front of me. You can't deny it because I know you're a strong girl but you still need me and the guards to keep an eyes on you. If you're hurting, I can feel it too. I didn't know why but I feel like I've know you for a long time ago but I still can't remember anything about you. Yes, I'm amnesia and it can make lie to me but my heart and my feeling will never lie to me. Once my heart loving someone it will never change. You must know it. Heart showing us the real fact than the things that we see with our eyes."

I saying all that things try to convince her so that she will not acted like this way again but I didn't  know if she trust my words or not. I really mean it whenever it's about her but it's hard for me to remember all my past. I will trying my best to find the truth and I'll never hurts her feeling anymore after knowing all the truth about all of this. I wait for her to give respond with what am I saying but unfortunately she didn't seemed want to talk to me right now so I stand up,  decide to leave and sleep in the living room.

"Ji...Chaemin ?" she grabbed my hand and looked up at me.

"You can call me Jimin if you want." I said and sitting back next to her. She wrapping her hand around my arms and leaning her head on my shoulder. I looked down at her and my hand automatically touching her cheeks to wipe away her tear

"I hate it when you cry." I said and she didn't answered me at all but leaning more closer to me.

I remember back about her elbow. "Your elbow. I should do something with it."

"I'm a doctor , don't you remember ?"

"A doctor that's still the same with the other human."I said and take out my phone from the pocket and dialed the bodyguards phone numbers.

"Ask the maid to sent a bowl of warm water with a towel and.."

"Just warm water and towel , please." he said and sitting back like before.

The maid come and lend me the bowl of water and towel to me.

"Thank you. You can go right now." I said and she nodded before went out the room.

I clean her wound like what did she did to me before but this time she is the one who is injured not me.

"Done. And you can go to sleep right now." I said to her but once I look up to look at her , she was already sleeping that's why she didn't talk all the time I washed his wound just now. I moved her hair behind her ear from covering her face and slowly carry her to the bed. I placed her on the bed carefully because I didn't want to wake her up.

I cover her body with the blanket on my bed and slowly walk towards the door and go out of the room.

"Take care of her for me." I said to the guards and left.


I knocked the door and he opened it. Once I saw him , I hugged him tightly as I misses him damn so much. Far apart from each other for a long time and finally both of us can meet again right now. My hero was here right in front of me right now, my dad.

"Jimin, let's get inside first. It's cold outside."

I followed her went inside the house from behind. He asked me to sit first in the living room meanwhile he was went to somewhere but a few minutes later he comes back with two cup of coffee with him and sitting next to me.

"This is for you." he said and I take it from him then put it on the table in front of the two of us.

"Dad. I was so grateful that you're here right now." I said and sighed.

"Now , tell me the things that you want to know from dad."

Once he asked me that question , I sighed before start to tell him everything. I told him about my mom who is married for two time after my dad leave the two of us and go to the London. I also told them about my amnesia and everything about my stepfather who was always want me to die and also about Eun Rae.

"Eun Rae ?" he said once he hear I says that name.

"Yes. Did you know her dad ?"

"You say that you're amnesia, right ?"
He said and I nodded. He drink his coffee and said "why don't you asked your mom ?"

"She said that she doesn't know anything about Eun Rae."


And then I know about everything that I want to know. Everything that's happen before this include that accident when I was hitting by a car and. Luckily, I wasn't dead that time and leaving my only one alone in this world. My mom. Yes. She is the reason why am I get into trouble before and also that two bad guys, my stepfather. In case to keep her safe, yes , like what did my dad said , I should keep quiet , wait and see their game. I have two choices right now. I should play the game or I should change how the game would continue.


I'll never end this game just like this. Never.

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