Stuff Toys

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I don't know any name for this but Hi. I'm back with a truth for everyone . Thanks to NinjagoisAwesome and this is the very first truth from someone. To NinjagoisAwesome, I don't know your Gender. So I'm writing she. If my opinion is wrong . Then just tell me. Ok.  I will write the story in a changed order. Bye.

Flash's POV
I woke up very late. Everyone was already there. I ate several pancakes that Zane made. They were delicious. Then I got to the living room where everybody was waiting for me.
"So It's Luna's turn." Jay said.
"Wait here!" She said and ran off.
I sat between Kai and Rose. Kai was watching the video in which I'm stealing the realm crystal. Then he opened youtube and was going to post the video. I snatched the phone from his hands and quickly deleted the video. He groaned. Everyone else laughed.
"Hey! What's so funny about?" I asked.
"He has already posted it on fb . " Nya said showing me her phone.
"What?" I yelled.
"Yesss!" Kai said in a teasing tone.

Luna's POV
I was dialing a phone number .
NinjagoisAwesome:Who is this
Luna:This is Luna from the ninjas. I heard about your truth
NinjagoisAwesome: Oh. Ok . I'll be there in a sec
Luna: Ok . Bye

Kai's POV
Luna came back." Is your truth or Dare ready." I asked. "Almost!" She said.
"Truth or Dare!" She asked.
"To?" Jay asked
"To everyone!" She answered
"Truth!" Kai said
"Truth!" Skylor said
"Dare!" Jay said
"Truth! " Rose said
"Truth!" Flash said
"Dare!" Alex said
"Dare!" Lloyd said
"Truth!" Stardust said
"Truth!" Nya said
"Dare!" Cole said
"Truth!" Zane said
"I take the truths as a dare !" She said
"Ugh!" Everyone who said dare said.
Someone walked into the temple.
"Finally!It is ready!" Luna said.
"Who are you? " Zane asked.
"I'm NinjagoisAwesome but you can call me awesome . Ok" The stranger said.
"Ok!" We said still confused.
"Why are you here?" I asked.
"About that! Luna called me for a truth!" She said
"Is it ready?" Jay asked
"Of course!" She kinda yelled.
"What is it?" Flash asked.
"Can I?" She asked looking at Luna .
"Yes!" Luna answered
"I ask you all to tell me the soft toy which you had when you were a child! And what was its name and what did it looked like?" Awesome asked.
"Hmmm! Let me think! " I said
"That's easy! I had a dragon stuff toy and I named it Rocky." Cole said.
"I thought you were frightened of dragons! " Jay said.
"Maybe at the night! He would go like 'Someone Help me! There is a dragon in our house!' Then his Mama will go 'Why are you freaking out at the middle of the night' ! " Flash teased.
Everyone laughed at his joke but Cole just groaned.
"Ahem! Back to business!" Awesome said and we turned our heads back to her.

Nobody's POV
"Oh . Oh! I had a brown dog stuff toy and I named it Scruffy." Lloyd said.
"I had a dolphin stuff animal which I named Bubbles. " Nya said.
"Honestly! I didn't ever had one. But I played with Nya's. " Kai said while her sister just glared at him remembring the old story.
"I used to have a tiger named Amber." Skylor said .

Flash's POV
"I had a butterfly named Lilly. " Rose said
"You had a butterfly one!" Awesome asked
"Yup! My mom made it just for me." Rose said
"I had an Eagle named Zoom ." I said
"I had a rabbit , I mean a bunny , a white one . I named it Clover. I took the names from Sophia the First ." My brother said
All of us except me stared at him surprised.
"What!" He yelled.
"Man! You won't believe that he has watched every single episode of every single girly cartoon at the time of his childhood!" I kinda yelled.
"Jay is a girl!" Kai said .
"Aww I still think that's adorable!" Nya said .
"Really which ones did you watched?"Stardust asked .
"No way I'm gonna tell you!"Jay crossed his arms .
"Please!" Lloyd said with puppy eyes .
"Never!" Jay said .
"I can tell you!" I offered .
"Really , you watched them too?" Alex asked .
"Nah I just know" I rolled my eyes .
"Which ones?" Nya asked .
"He watched My little pony , star darlings , powerpuffgirls , tinker-" I was interrupted by Awesome .
"Ahem we were in the middle of the game!" She reminded .
"Okay so I had a falcon named falcon" Zane said which was kinda confusing to understand .
"I had a unicorn named star" Stardust said .
"I had a robot named zobo" Alex said
"And what about that you have it now?" Awesome asked
"I have it." Lloyd said
"Because of Kai! No! " Nya said
"Yup!" Skylor and Rose said
"Yupity Yup!" Jay said.
"Of course not! " I said
"No!" Zane, Cole and Alex said
"I have mine!" Stardust said.
"Now I've gotta go! Everyone will be worried about me!" Awesome said.
"Bye!" We all said and she leaved.

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