Theo raekin x raekin little sister

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You slammed your books onto your step-brother's, Theo's, desk at school.

"Can I help you?" he asked.

"Actually, you can" you responded quietly. "There's something I need your help with and I know it's wrong and I shouldn't come to you but, you're the only guy i trust..... so i've come to you."

Theo leaned in closer to hear you better, "What's that?" he asked, somewhat worried.


Theo's eyes widened and he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"What umm - what about sex?" he stutters after a moment of silence.

"I need sex lessons" you whispered.

"Sex lessons?" Theo exclaimed loudly, which was hushed as you covered his mouth.

"Shhhh, shut up!" you hissed.

He pulled your hand off of his mouth and showed his smirk.

"How am I supposed to give you sex lessons?" he asked amused.

"I don't know. Tell me all the positions, give me some pointers, I don't know, Theo! Just teach me about sex!" you demanded.

"I knew you were a goody two shoes" Theo told you.

"I am not!" you replied, a little offended.

"Then why are you asking me for sex lessons?"

You thought about it, huffed and replied, "Good point."

"What's in it for me?" Theo asked smugly.

"You get to talk about sex, without me slapping you...isn't that good enough?" you responded.

Theo swayed his head back and forth and shrugged his shoulders. "Ehhhh" he replied.

"I'll think about sumat" you told him, not quite fussed yet.

"That's more like it" Theo smiled.

"Meet me at home, later tonight. Around 6:15.... I'll be in the basement, waiting for you" he winked.

You winced at the thought of meeting Theo in the basement, why the basement, it's creepy down there?

"It's a plan" you told him (still thinking if this was right. But it's not as if your parents could say anything.....considering they're gone.)
The rest of the day you kept going over the conversation with Theo over and over, hoping that you had made it clear that you weren't planning on having sex with your brother, you only wanted some tips and tricks.

There was a note on the front door. Come straight to the basement, it read.

You slowly pushed the door opened and then wandered into your house, making your way to the kitchen - where the basement door was.

You walked down into the basement, "Theo?" you called.

"Oh, hello" Theo smirked. You were shocked to see the scenery downstairs.

It was set up like a classroom. A chalkboard, a big table, chair and then another smaller table with a chair.

"Theo, what did you do?" you gaped.

"I figured if I'm going to teach you, I might as well do it right."

There were a pile of clothes on your table.
"What are these?" you asked him.

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