Chapter 2 ~ Wait, did I say that out loud?!

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RoadTrip, that sounded quite cool, I wondered whether it was a boyband. I also hoped that they weren't boring like most bands.

In that moment someone came through the door. Well, one of six guys didn't walk, he fell into the club. He had dark curly hair, green eyes and looked a little younger than me and the others.

"Oh Jack! Did you fall?", another one with curly brown hair and a couple of rings on his hands said.

"He fell for this club!", a blonde guy said laughing.
"Oh come on Andy! Why can't you stop your puns for once?"

That guy had black curls and a couple of tattoos. He also had piercings on his nose, mouth and ears.

Then there were two other ones, another blonde one who kind of looked like the brother of the one who had made the pun.

And then a much older bald man, who looked like he could have been the manager of the band.

"Hello! You guys must be RoadTrip, and you're Mr. Dreelan, right?", Mars said to them.
"Yeah, these are my boys. And you can call me Blair.", the bald one answered.

"Hey Selene, come over here!", Mars told me. I went to him and said:
"Hi! I'm Selene, but that's not important. I just work here."

"Don't say that! You seem very nice.", one of them exclaimed.
I blushed. "Thank you-ehmm...", I didn't know their names.

"Oh, we have to introduce ourselves! I'm Andy!", he told me.
"I'm Brooklyn or Brook."
"I'm Ryan, but please call me Rye."
"I'm Mikey."
"And I'm Jack", they all said, the last one had a strong Irish accent.
I had to admit that I already liked them.

"Yes, and I am Blair, the manager of these crazy guys.", the oldest one stated.
"Crazy? They don't seem that crazy to me.", I told him.

He then laughed and went off to talk to Mars. I thought about it for a second and then went to speak to...Andy?

"Hey! You're Andy, right?", I asked a little unsure.
"Actually I'm Brooklyn.", he replied and looked a bit angry.
"Oh, sorry. I didn't know. But are you two brothers or something?"
"No, we're not. Why does everyone think that?!", he almost screamed.

"Having a bad day, aren't we?", suddenly someone, Andy, said.
"Yeah, I guess."
"Then get some rest before the show, I also have some of your fave chocolate in my bag, you can have it.", Andy told him, gave him a hug and Brook went off after thanking him.

"Oh wow! You're really prepared! I'm guessing that you are the mum friend?", I asked. "Which is totally fine, I am too."
"Yes, I kind of am the mum friend", the boy laughed.

"Ugh Andy, you're such a flirt!", Jack complained.
"Oh shut up, I'm not!"
"Whatever, Fovvs!"
"Fovvs?", I wanted to know.
"Oh yes, that's his nickname. Andy Fowler, Jack Duff, Mikey Cobban, Brooklyn Wyatt and Rye Beaumont."

"Ohh! Beaumont? That's not an English name, is it?"
"No, it's not. I actually grew up in Spain and moved to England about 9 years ago.", Rye explained to me.
"Really? That's cool! What is it l-", I was interrupted by Mikey.

"Don't ask him, he'll tell you everything which would last about five hours."
"Oh shut up Mikey!", Rye laughed.
"We don't have that much time, so tell me about that after the show.", I suggested.

For some reason all of the boys, not Brooklyn, he wasn't there, started giggling at that. Why were they laughing at me? Did I say something wrong?

"What are you laughing about?", I asked.
"It's just that we have a song called 'After the show'", Rye told me.
"Ohhh!", I started giggling, too.

"I can't wait to see you perform!"
"Really? We hope you'll like it. Just know that we can't dance and we're literally the weirdest boy band ever.", Mikey answered.
"It can't be that bad, can it?", I said.

"Wait till you see us! We are crazy. It's a well known fact. I mean all of our subscribers know pretty well!", Andy stated.
"Subscribers? Do you have a YouTube channel?", I was curious.
"Yeah, we actually do. We have one for music, we do covers and original music, and one for vlogs.", Jack told me.

"How come I've never seen the channels before? I spend most of my free time on YouTube.", I questioned.
"Well, you can check them out later."
"I'll definitely do that, what are they called?"

"RoadTrip TV and RoadTrip Vlogs, but don't be terrified by the vlogs. We do things. Stupid things. Weird things. Just don't watch 'Kissing because it's Christmas'", Mikey said to me.

I told myself to watch exactly that first. They then continued to tell me that the first vlogs, including the one I shouldn't watch, were on the main channel.

I really liked them, they weren't normal or boring. It was kind of sad that Brooklyn didn't seem to really like me. But that could change. Also they were really cute, personality and looks.

"Thank you! You're cute yourself.", Mikey said and winked at me.
"Wait, did I say that out loud?!", I practically screamed and also blushed out of embarrassment because Mikey had winked at me.
"Yes, you did.", Rye giggled and also winked at me.

That made me blush even more if that would have been possible. Why did I have to be such a social flop?! I had always been awkward in social situations.

"It's okay, so am I.", Andy said.
"Oh my god, I'm so stupid! Why did I do it again?", I was extremely embarrassed, but it felt good to know that Andy was like that too.

"You're funny, I like you.", Blair stated as he came back to the group.
"Don't think you have a chance with him, he's married.", Jack laughed.

"Haha, very funny.", Blair responded.
"Where's Brook?"
"I told him to get some rest before the show because he's been having a bad day. I don't know where he could be, maybe he's in the car?", Andy explained.
"I'll go look for him, don't do anything stupid!", the manager warned them.
"We? RoadTrip? Never!", Rye laughed.

It looked like that night could turn out to be fun.
"Selene? Can you help me with the microphone? It seems to be broken.", Phil, a colleague of mine, said.
"Before you go: If you want to and are allowed to, would you watch the show?", Mikey asked.
"Of course! I'm excited for the show boys, don't disappoint me!", I joked.
"We won't, don't worry."

I went over to the stage to fix the microphone. After I had fixed it I pulled it my phone, searched for the YouTube channels and subscribed to both.

I really hoped that they would come more often to make the club a little less boring.
"Yes, how can I help you?", he asked.
"Could I maybe watch the show later or is there a job that has to be done?", I wanted to know.
"There's actually nothing to do for you so go for it!"
"Thank you", I smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2018 ⏰

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