when she realized

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Allison suffered a lot of illness since she was sixteen. One day she fainted in class and from that day, she went through a lot of pain. Vomiting with blood became usual, feverish temperature, loss of appetite, aching body, felt tired all the time, nose bleeds were getting worse and her wounds healed way too slower than normal.

She was weak.... She was vulnerable ... And exhausted by her pathetic life

All her medical tests were clear. There was no sign of any disease or medical disorder

The doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong with Allison.. Pain killers or any other medicine didn't worked on her

She looked at herself in the mirror, her long locks of brown hair covering her chest , brown almond shaped eyes looking huge on her slim face. She decided not to wear makeup and chose a pink top and jeans. She dressed herself up and turned to pick up her bag but sighed when she saw blood on her pillow

"I must've had a bad nose bleed last night"

She rolled her eyes at the thought and dropped her bag to the floor, pulled the sheet off the pillow to clean it.

"You're late sweety, Riley's waiting for you". Allison's mother and her 5 year old brother Sam were on the breakfast table . " I know " she came down the stairs quickly "good bye mom, bye Sammy!" She reached Riley's car , opened the door and sat next to her.

"You're panting!" "And where were you?" Riley was low key worried about her being late.. "Ah!.. Just cleaning some mess". Riley started the car and they were on their way to college

Susan, Alexa, Riley and Allison, outside the college gate
" I can't believe I got an A!" Susan exclaimed with joy. "Yeah and I can't believe I got C". Alexa rolled her eyes at Susan. Allison was shaking her head at their conversation.
" hey, I have to tell you guys something.." Riley stepped in front to make an announcement. She looked at everyone nervously. "I'm going to Europe with my parents" she said quickly and looked at Allison
"What!? Why didn't you tell us!!?" Alexa and Susan bombarded Riley with questions.

Allison stared at Riley without speaking.. "I know I didn't tell you guys but it was complicated, I didn't knew what my parents were gonna decide. The company administration is sending my father there with family and we have to go" . Riley explained, the whole time looking at Allison.

Riley and Allison were in the car . " hey, you haven't spoken a word, say something "
Allison looked out the window , after Riley's insisting questions Allison turned to face her and her lips trembled, tears came into her eyes.
  "Oh ally! Please don't cry" Riley clutched her hand.
  " you know there's no one I talk to about myself except you". Allison said with tears in her eyes. "No one knows what I'm going through, only you know what I feel.. You know I can't deal with it anymore and you're leaving!!"
  "I'm always here for you ally, you can talk to me anytime you want" Riley said wiping her tears.   "Don't worry. I'll be back soon"

It was dark, she couldn't see a thing, she couldn't breathe ...
      "I'm going to die.."
A thought came into her head and she was terrified.. But no she couldn't die.. The pain didn't go away. She wanted to cry but instead she felt angry.. Angry at herself.. The thought of not being able to become a mother, a partner or even a friend. She felt like a living dead with emotional pain. "Why do I exist?? Who am I suppose to be"
     Her heart beat raised and her breathing increased and she started screaming from the pain in her head like it was gonna explode.
   "Allison!! Allison!! Are you okay??, I'm here!" Allison's father came into her room running.
"Hey calm down, you're alright I'm right here" Allison's father clutched her to his chest.
Allison kept crying in her Father's arms.
"Dad, what do people think of me?? I'm useless" . "why would you ever think that, you are my daughter and I'm proud of you , you are brave, beautiful and an amazing person, I will always be there for you" he kisses her forehead and sat there with her until she fell asleep.

Allison and her friends said their goodbyes to Riley.
   "Don't fall for that guy while I'm gone". Riley winked at Allison. Allison smiled weakly and Riley made her promise to take care of herself and be happy..  But none of that mattered, she almost forgot what it felt like to be happy.
" good bye" Allison gave her a hug and she felt like its the last time she's hugging her.

There was a guy in Allison's neighborhood who lived alone, he worked in a factory.. He was the only guy Allison had a crush on, the guy she noticed and was her type but she never felt confident to go and talk to him she didn't even know his name. That's because she was insecure about herself, frightened of being rejected.

He's tall, dark and handsome. His perfect black hairs hanging down his forehead, perfect facial hair. His narrow waist and broad shoulders
He was the only thing on Allison's mind. Someone she couldn't resist. She dreamt about him. He was the only thing giving her a hope to live. Maybe one day she will be his girl.. Maybe she can find love..

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