The Problems

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Carolina: Ruggero. That was amazing 😍. (She says and starts to cry a little bit of happiness and hugs Ruggero)
Ruggero: You are welcome and you deserve it after all what you have been through and I will do anything and everything for the girl I love. (He hugs Carol)
His parents: Shall we take home now.
Carolina: Yes. Let's do that.

Carolina's POV:
I can't believe what Ruggero jus did to me. Now i really knows that he loves. He is the best ever.

~At Ruggero house in Italy~

Ruggero: So what do you think of the house?
Carolina: It's amazing.
Ruggero: Have you never been in Italy before?
Carolina: Yes of cause. I have been here once with my. (She says and gets a little bit sad)
Ruggero: Come here. You were going to say with your family. Am i right? (He hugs Carolina)
Carolina: Yes.
Ruggero: I will always be with you and never leave you. Okay.
Carolina: Thanks Rugge. You are 100% the best boyfriend i ever had. I love you so much.
Ruggero: I love you too.

After some few minutes Ruggero's parents come in and they wanna talk with with him for a moment alone.

Ruggero: Sure. Carolina can you go in to Leonardo for some time.
Carolina: Sure.

~Leonardo comes in and is about to ask Ruggero about something~

Leonardo: Rugge. Is it okay if I take Carolina out for a little walk so she can she some of Italy?
Ruggero: Sure, but only if she wants to.
Leronardo: Okay. Carolina you want to see some of Italy? I can show you around if you want to.
Carolina: Sure. I would love to see a little bit of Italy. Then Rugge also can talk with your parents alone.
Leonardo: Yeah. Let's go.

~They walk and Ruggero starts to talk with his parents~

Antonella: What is happening with you at the moment and why is this girl suddenly your newgirlfriend? What happened between you and Cande.
Bruno: Son. You can tell us anything no matter what it is. We will always support you no matter what you do.
Ruggero: 3 days ago Cande and Carolina got up in a big fight.
Bruno: What happened?
Ruggero: Cande told Carolina that I never would date such a young girl as her and that she should keep her hands so far away from me as possible. Then Carolina asked why and if she was scared Cande over that I might loved Carolina more than I loved Cande and then she hit Carolina so that she hit the floor and the next days after she didn't remember anything. That's also why she is a little bit scared to be somewhere else without me and she was also scared to Argentina of some reason that I can't tell you.
But hey now she is doing great like that she is out alone with Leonardo right now.
Antonella: Okay. We are so happy for you now, because you seems so much more happy when you is with Carolina, and we are also sorry about to hear what happened to her.
Ruggero: Thanks for everything.
His parents: You are welcome.

~Ruggero's phone rings it's Leonardo~
R= Ruggero  L=Leonardo  B=Bruno (his father)

R: Hey Leo, how are you guys.
L: Rugge!!! You have to come right know!!
R: Leo calm down what happened!!! (He says really worried and scared)
L: I don't know. I think she might met someone that she knows and then she completely started to flipped out. I'm really scared I don't know what to do?
R: Leo calm down. I'm coming right now as fast as I can. Just stay right where you are.
B: What happened are they okay.
R: Leo is okay, but Carolina is not. There is something wrong with her. I gotta go now. See you later.

~Ruggero runs as fast as he can and when he sees Carol laying on the ground with Leonardo next to her. He runs even more faster than before~

Ruggero: CAROLINA!!!!!! Leo what happend
Leonardo: I really don't know what happend. We were just walking and talking about stuffs and suddenly she just stopped up and startet to freak out. So I tried to get her to calm down and look at me instead of what she was looking at that scared her so much. Then after some time she took around my arm and said something really unclear and then she fell to the ground.
Ruggero: Okay. Go home to mom and dad and say that If I'm not back within 1 hour, get mom and dad out here okay. Say that they do not have to worry very much. Okay.
Leonardo: Okay.
Ruggero: Carol please wake up.

~Carol wakes up and starts to flip out again~

Ruggero: Carol are you okay?
Carolina: I don't want to be here any more. (She says really sad)
Ruggero: Why not? Who did you see?
Carolina: Someone from my old school. They were begging me to come back, but I don't want to. Leonardo really protected me there. If he haven't been there I don't know what would happen.
Ruggero: Okay. Let's go home. Remember like I said earlier, I will never leave you. I will always be here with you no matter what.
Carolina: Thanks. (They walk home)

~At Ruggero's house~

Carolina: When we comes back I don't want to talk to them. I just want to be with you.
Ruggero: Of cause. I understand that.
Antonella: Ruggero. There you are what happened? Carolina are you alright?
Ruggero: MOM!! She is fine. She doesn't want to talk right now. She just wanna be with me.
Antonella: Okay. We will just give you all the space that you need.
Ruggero: Thanks mom.

~A few days later~

Ruggero: My parents wants to talk with you. They will like to know some more about you. Is that okay? Then I will talk with Leonardo it's something we do every time I'm home.
Carolina: That's cool. I love your parents.
Ruggero: I'm so glad to hear that.
Leonardo: Rugge shall we talk.
Ruggero: Yes Leo. I'm coming now.
Leonardo: So is it true that you kissed Carol a week ago.
Ruggero: What do you mean?
Leonardo: When you were on the set of Soy Luna. Right before her accident.
Ruggero: Leo!! Where do you know all this from. Only the boys from the set know about her accident and nobody knows about the kiss.
Leonardo: Well now everyone knows. It's all over the newspaper with the headline "Famous Italian actor from Soy Luna dating one of his fans. What do you guys think about that?"
Ruggero: How!! (He starts to flip out a little bit) Only the people who works on the set have access to come in. This is really bad.

Dangerous Love - Ruggero Pasquarelli // COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now