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After few week..

Jungkook want to worked,but jimin don't allowed him,if he really badly want to work just go to his office and worked with him.SO,jungkook do as well but what's he get is hurt too much.

Meanwhile,jungkook was gloomy alone on the rest room.Suddenly,jimin come and sit with him and try to comfort him.While jimin stroke kookie's hair gently.Suddenly,tina was grabbed his arm and take him go."mr.park you're  late for meeting,come!"while smirk at the gloomy kookie who is literally his face show up he really hurt seeing tina clingy with his husband.

Jungkook really can't bear anymore,so he pass tina bumped into her shoulder harshly.When jimin try to grabbed kookie's hand but don't reach causes jungkook too fast."Jeon jun..".Then,jimin pushed tina away"im going!let me go!!".shouted jimin angryly.Both of v and hobie was shocked badly with his sudden anger."owhh..ow..if that comes about kookie,he's bedevilled himself"mumble hobie.

Meanwhile jungkook was going somewhere alone and spacing out about something badly on his brain.Suddenly,when he walked at a rug his shoulder bleeding by sharp things.Since he wear black,so he dont even realized it.So he just stepped into the room and laying about to sleep already without changed his bleeding clothes.

"im home..!"tell jimin while stepped into their room.Suddenly when he closer to kookie,he was smell something weird."its like blood scent".So,jimin check all out kookie and founded it.Whenever jimin slowly loose kookie shirt."jimin shii,always.."mumble kookie who is sleept talking for a while.Then jimin just continue clean jungkook bleed and changed his shirt gently causes dont wanna kookie awake.

While kookie want button his shirt,but stuck by something.Suddenly,jimin pulled him closer and do it for him.Jungkook slightly was stared into jimin's lips."why?wanna feel them?"asked jimin with poker face.Then,jungkook avert his gaze and his cheecks was redness shyly."it silly.."reply jungkook and just leave jimin who is still prepared himself causes busy helped kookie before.

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