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I fell down on the earth . There was a small and wooden hut. A boy came out of that house. He saw me, so, he came near me he saw me full of blood on my body so he carried me up and took into the house . He started to put some bandage on me . first , he put the bandage on my left leg and then on the right leg and then he put to the left hand and then to the right hand . It was paining very badly and continuously . But he took me to a bed and made me to sleep and the next morning I tried to wake up but it was paining still,so I did not got up . He brought some food like bread and milk , biscuit , roti , rice . But I ate only bread and milk because they are my favourite. Even , he gave me some dog food in a big bowl . Then in the evening I tried to walk a little but it was impossible for me . So ,I went to sleep again . U, know the boy  had called the veterinary doctor and u , know the boy’s name is Ronny. I came to know his name when the veterinary doctor asked him that “what is ur name “. That time the boy told ‘Ronny,doctor’.So, I came to a conclusion that his name is Ronny .Ah……….. So , big and wonder ful dream. Wait…….. let me explain u this dream. I was a servant of a king named Somy and the name of that village was Palganoor.

It was huge and was covered of leaves and grass but the palace was very big , clean , wonderful, awesome , royal , and made of gold , silver , diamond , platinum , wow – wow . So gooooooood …….  . Wait  a little ! haaaaaa……. He had a crown which was made of Kohinoor diamond and  embeded   with gold.Some times I would clean the floor , some times give fresh air to them and  some times doing massage for them and giving food to eat . It’s , it’s too boring . Ah…… now I’ m feeling a little better .I can make a little movement . ithink I will be better in five days or 3 days . Then today again he brought for me but this time he was brought only bread and milk because u know that Bread and milk is my favourite and also almost it is the favourite of all the dogs and cats  .I ate 12 pieces of  bread and drank almost half a litre of milk . That time he came to talk with me , simply but he doesn’t know that I can talk like him. So, firdt he asked me “what is ur name “so, I answered “my name is Felzoo”. He suddenly got shocked and saw me spontaneously, he got afraid of me and asked “how can u talk , from where have u come “?I have come from the planet Nebulae . Once I made a trip to go to moon . But after some time when we were In the rocket  I was going to the toilet but by mistake I opened the emergency exit door . So, I slipped and I fell down I tried to go back but because of the gravitational force of the earth , I was pulled by the earth and I fell down front of ur house . Even I was the king of that planet . so the boy told ‘oh………. Then how will u go back with ur friends to nebulae ,”ah………. I came to know my friends had told that they will come from moon to arctic circle of the earth “. So , the boy told ,”oh!........ but now we r staying in planky’s which is far away from the arctic circle .wait a minute , ok we should go 20000 kms from my house exactly . so, it may take approximately 1000 hours or 500 hours . so we should go in any vehicle like bike ,bicycle etc. Ok so we will leave the house on 5th may but todays date is 30th april . so we have 5 days time. And…… when r ur friends coming to arctic circle .

“mostly 12th june “, I said . so the boy said we will reach there In time . The next morning  I was just walking around the house . because , my wound had almost went . Then , in the evening we started packing. We took a huge school bag in which we kept 200 pieces of bread and 25 litre of milk . which we want to eat . Then again in the next evening he took me to playground and he made me to walk and even I could run now. So, after 3 days …………….  “get up Felzoo”the boy said . “We should  go at evening and take all the beddings “! So, I said “Ok ! Ronny I am ready !...........


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2014 ⏰

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