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               Bird turned around hearing pawsteps, "Hello?" she asked staring into the shadows. Out of the shadows sprung a large grey wolf with dark grey eyes. There was no time for her to react, it's jaws closed around her throat and everything went black. The pain she felt was incomparable to anything she had felt before. 

             "Banished! She must be banished! So much promise she showed! Strip her name! Her own mentor!" Bird heard so many voices, some she recognized from long ago. "Bird! It's Bird, she's here..." Bird's vision slowy returned and she looked around, there were many spirits that she recognized from when she was younger. "Why bird? Why would Harmony do this?" The spirits asked her in sorrow. 

            "It wasn't Harmony... it was Fade." Bird declared, knowing that she had to correct them for the sake of her apprentice. The spirits growled angrily. 

         "Are you sure?" One of the spirits questioned, not believing her. "Yes!" Bird snapped, "I saw grey fur not brown". The spirit seemed unhappy with her answer but stayed quiet.


           "Bird? Hey bird, your doing it again" Silver's voice dragged her out of her memories. "How long?" Bird whispered, not wanting the council to know. "About 5 minutes. Bird are you ok?" Silver asked the grey spirit with a concerned look on her face. 

        "I'm fine.." She sighed, "it's just I'm worried about Harmony" Silver gave her a understanding look, "She'll be fine, she has been for years. She's stronger than you know" Bird turned her attention back to the council. 

          "We have to do something! Fade will wipe us all out if she gets Bird's apprentice!" A spirit was saying trying to convince the others that we needed to be ready for war. Bird stepped forward and all eyes turned to her , "While I agree that we must be prepared, we also must remember that Fade could be building an army. We may need help to defeat her because I fear that Harmony can't do it alone". Several of the spirits nodded, agreeing with her. 

          "We know that Fe- Harmony has allies, who may be willing to help us if we need" A new voice added, she looked across the room to meet Dark's eyes. Dark was a powerful spirit nearly as powerful as her, he was also Harmony's brother. The violet eyed spirit knew he worried for his sister and would probably kill her if something happened to her that she could have stopped. A few spirits still didn't seem convinced, as the she-wolf looked around the cave. 'What can I say to help convince them that this is the truth..' She wondered.

               A angry growl snapped Bird out of her thoughts, "How do we know that Harmony isn't trying to kill us all! After all, she has sent quite a few of us to the spirit realm!" The entire cave erupted into angry voice moments after the wolf finished speaking. Silver flattened her ears beside Bird, she darted into the group of angry wolves shoving them away. 

      "ENOUGH!" The grey she-wolf snarled angrily, in our language. Everyone stopped and looked at her, in the corner of her eye she saw Dark trying to smother some flames that had created in the scuffle. "We are done today. Leave, all of you!" Bird snapped. A few wolves shot glares at others, but in the end they all left the cave, leaving Silver and Bird standing in the cave alone. "We need to prove to them..." Silver mummerd, "or we will never have their true support". Bird nodded, leaving the cave, her mind spinning. 

         Dark was waiting outside of the cave when they exited. "You were remembering again.." Dark whispered. "Yah..." She awnsered slowly. Dark nodded as if his suspicions had been confirmed, "you think about her a lot don't you..". "I never was able to fully train her!" She snapped trying to defend herself. Silver laughed, "we know that you worry wart!" She said smiling.  Bird relaxed a bit, "I just feel like... something bad is going to happen.." She said slowly. 

          "I'm sure things will be fine!" Silver said optimistically trying to hid the surprise in her golden eyes."Your probably right." Bird said with a sigh. Silver let out a playful growl and leaped at Bird. "No...! Not the terrifying Silver's Fang" she gasped in mock terror. She easily pushed the smaller spirit away. Dark watched in amusement, sparks smoldering in his fur. Bird tried to swipe at Silver but missed due to Silver's magic and skill in fighting. She darted around Bird and pushed her over . 

          "I win!" The playful light grey spirit announced. Bird whined in mock defeat and Silver stuck her nose in the air laughing. Dark seemed just about to join in with our play fight when a shrill wailing echoed across our realm. Silver crouched ready for battle, her claws and teeth turning gold, while fire made its way around Dark and on his fur. Bird got her magic, violet light swirling around her. Quickly checking in with a few wolves she let out a yelp of dismay. A spirit had been killed, it had bearly made it back to their realm in time before the wounds killed it. "Come, it's safe.." She ordered to Silver and Dark. They ran through the spirit's forest quickly easily finding where the spirit lay. "Move aside!" Bird yelled. Most of the spirits moved except for one who let out another shrill wail of grief. Bird gazed sadly at the spirit.  

        Dark winced as he looked at the body, "Not Talon" He muttered sadly. Bird and Silver went over to comfort the upset spirit. Bird knew Dark was checking the Talon for any clue on how he was killled. "It's ok" silver said softly talking to the now whimpering spirit. "-Hey Bird?-" A voice echoed in her head. "-What-"She responded. "-I think Fade did this...-" Dark stated. Bird rushed over, "are you sure?" She asked him. "Yeah" He whispered. Bird's mind spun Fade had basically just announced that she was ready for war.


AN: Vote if you want sharing would be great too but I won't beg. If you noticed any mistakes in this let me know and I'll fix it. All characters in here are  mine and I won't tolerate them being stolen. (Just a warning ;D) Oh and I love art feel free to make some. I might even feature it.



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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2017 ⏰

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