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A silvery pelt sat near a pool of crystal water, his eyes brimming with regret and sadness as he looked at his clan and mewed his love for his mate, knowing that she couldn't hear him made it worse. He had been in a battle not too long ago, and had lost his last life. He sat on the flowing long grass of Spiritclan.
An orange-red cat slipped up next to him her slim body brushing against him. "Come on Silverstar,"Her voice calm and gentle, "You can never get past her if you don't stop watching" She stepped into the water, obstructing the image of the cats. Silverstar felt fur rising along his neck.He sprung sharply to his paws,"Hey!,"His voice was broken and sad, and the fur fell back down slowly, "I-I'm sorry're right"
Redcloud licked his shoulder knowingly and Silverstar sat back down, "Don't you miss Nettleclan a little bit?"He meowed. Redcloud sat down next to him, her tail brushing his "I do, but battles happen and cats die, it's just nature."Her tail twitching slightly. Silverstar thought for a moment, "Crowtail had a lot to learn about being a leader though, he has kits, he focused on them mostly," Silverstar stood up and his fur was raised with worry "He has no qualities of a leader!He can't rule the clan!!" Redcloud puffed up her fur "He has all of the qualities! He's my kit and he can rule just fine!"She hissed. Silverstar growled "No! He gets angry easily!No cat wanted him to be leader and neither do I!"
Redcloud felt anger boiling inside her "Well who chose him to be deputy then?" She spat at Silverstar. Silverstar froze and then he felt embarrassed "Me...I did.."He mewed quietly."Yes you did Silverstar"Redcloud growled, satisfied that her argument had won.

A/N- oh hey there. I'll write more if you guys want me to (if y'all like it)

=~*Silence of Crowstar*~= Book 1(WARRIORS fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now