¥ Chapter 1 ¥

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Cassie's POV
"Sadie, Give it back!" I shouted as I chased my older sister around the house. She held my phone in her hand as she began to read my messages between me and my crush out loud
"Awww, how sweet, it says 'I really like you Cassie... can't wait to see you tomorrow' haha" my sister read as she scrolled through more of the messages
"Sadie please! It's not funny! What if Mom comes home... you know how she is when she gets home from work!" I shout at her
"I'm not done 'You know, you're really cute Cassie' HAHAHAH I CAN'T" my sister laughs as she keeps running around the house until; BAM. I hear the front door slam shut. I hear the click of my mothers high heels on the ground. Me and Sadie both stopped running at the same time and we both clinged onto each other. Mothers not a very nice person.... she was abusive and cruel. She often liked to leave us home all alone for up to 3 weeks... for god sakes, I was only 15 while my sister was 17. My mom liked to hit us, the worst thing she would do is bring home all the different men, a-and allow them to touch us. It makes me feel dirty. I held my sisters hand as I trembled. Mom had finally returned home after a solid 2 weeks... I looked at my sister and she looked right back at me. She whispered
"Cassie, just stay calm. I love you, ok" she smiles at me which cause me to smile. I knew that her smile was fake, and she knew that mine was fake.
I heard the click of my mothers heels get closer and closer. Finally my mother comes into view. I see a smirk on her face
"Hey my little Angels" she says as she gets closer to us and places her hands on our faces. I whimper as she does so. I turn my head away from her.
"I'm glad to be home darlings. Mommy will be in bed. Be ready by 9, we have guest coming" she smirks at us one more time before walking off to her room. I felt a tear rub down my face
"S-Sadie, stop her! Don't let her let those.... DISGUSTING men touch me again!" I cry as Sadie sighs and wipes my tears away
"I'm sorry Cassie.... I'm really sorry" she says as a tear falls from her face. We hug each other and walk off to our room. We decided at a young age that we wold share a room after an incident happened.
9:00 comes around the corner and we hear a knock at our door. My mother makes me and Sadie open up the door. We see a very ugly, yet rich looking man with a smirk on his face
"Hey girls" he says in a deep voice. Me and my sister let him in and my mother walked up to the man and gave him a wet kiss, tongue and all. I cringed.
My mother tied me up against her bed and she ripped my clothes off. She took my sister to a different room and I cried. The man that came to our house watched my mother as she pulled out this whip. I closed my eyes as she hit me with it. I whimpered as she hit me again and again. My mother handed the man the whip and he began to run it up and down my body. I felt his hands run up along my body. I cried and cried for the rest of that night.
My mother left again that night and left me tied up. My sister came in there the next morning with a mad look on her face. When she saw all the marks on my body, that only made her madder. I felt numb and lifeless as my sister untied me and covered me up. I sat on my bed and stared at my wall, not blinking once. My sister would occasionally check in on me... but she knew that she wouldn't be able to help me much when I'm in this state.
A week has gone by now, and my mom is still gone. It's the day before my sisters prom and her friends wanted her to come out and celebrate with her. She was getting ready. I sat beside her
"Have fun tonight sis... I love you" after what happened last week, I haven't been able to talk loudly
"I love you to sis. If Møm comes home, call me" she hugs me and leaves a kiss on my forehead before leaving the room and eventually the house. I lay down on my bed with a sigh. I eventually fall asleep.
It's been 3 days since my sisters incident. She had changed... not in a good way. She started wearing long sleeved shirts and pants all the time. She never told me what happened at the little get together with her friends, but I know that it is one of the reasons why my sister is acting this way. My sister left a few minutes ago, she was actually wearing a really pretty white dress, but she had on no shoes. She kept her back to me and she wouldn't talk to me... I'm really worried.
(Ok, so. If you don't understand what is going on, Sadie is actually a creeppasta character that I'm using as my oc's sister, and I'm trying to involve her story in my story. You should definitely read her story, she is one of my favorites. She is called Suicide Sadie)
Sadie has been gone for a month now... her body hasn't been found, but her friend Amber claims to have been attacked by her. I miss Sadie so much, I wish she wouldn't have left me... I feel like I'm going insane. I've been seeing these things lately and I've been hearing these.... voices. I cried as I rocked back and forth with my hands over my ears. The voices were back
"Pick up the knife~" one voice said
"No" I mumbled
"She will be here soon~" another voice said
"Get out" I said a little louder
"Kill her!" The first voice shouted in my head
"GET OUT! GO AWAY!" I shout as I punch a wall
"She's here~" the voices said at the same time.
Something in me snapped as I heard that door open and slam shut. It was like I was.... a different me. I walked over to my dresser and pulled out my knife that I always kept. I smirked as I looked at my reflection in the knife. I hid the knife behind my back as my mom walked into the room
"Hello Mom" I said as I kept that smirk on my face as my mom rolled her eyes at me
"We have another guest darling" my mother said as she moved out of the way. I saw a different man, he was even uglier than the last one
"I'll be there in a few minutes mother" my head falls to the side slightly as my mom walks out the room with the man. I go to my sisters closet
"Put on the slutest dress you can find~" the voices speak again and I listen.
I find my sisters dress that she used to wear when she went to school dances. It was a VERY short, black, skin tight dress that showed a lot of cleavage. I put the knife in my bra and I walked through the door of my moms room and saw both my mother and the man making out. They turned towards me and my mom looked shocked
"So you finally came to your senses, you little slut" my mother said as she crossed her arms
"Yes mother, I did. But, I wanna try something new tonight" my smirk widens as I think about sliding my knife into her stomach and making sure I give her a slow and painful death
"And what do you wanna try?" She asks me as she walks a little closer to me
"Well, I would like to tie you up this this time" I say with a slightly high pitched voice
"Ohhh, that sounds fun" the man beside her says
"Well, if you want me to, then you have to pay me extra" my mom tells the man
"Deal" he says. My mom hands me rope and I tie her up to the bed, tightly
"Don't you think that's a little to tight?" My Møm asks
"Of course not" I say as I look her in her eyes. I see a look of regret wash over her face. I pull the knife out of my breast and I place the sharp end against her chest. The man takes out his camera and starts to record, hahah, he is so dumb. He obviously has no clue what is about to happen
"What the hell do you think you are doing?!" My mother asks as she starts to try and get the rope off of her hands
"Why mother, I'm just gonna rip your clothes off, like you do to me" I tell her
"Stab her!" I hear the voices demand. I apply a little more pressure and start to slowly cut the dress she is wearing, off. I look at the man
"Anything you would like to do?" I ask the man "this will be the last time you see my mother" I finish
"No, i would rather watch a little girl on girl action" he says. I cringe. I place a hand over my mothers mouth as I drag the knife against her skin
"Say mother, how does it feel when you aren't the strong one anymore?" I ask her before I plunge my knife into her stomach. The man with the camera, drops his phone and falls to the floor. My mother groans in pain. I look over at the man with a smirk
"And you, you make me sick. You are a disgrace to all man kind, therefore" I leave the knife in my mothers stomach while I walk towards the man. He backs up onto the wall and I sit on his lap. I felt a sudden adrenaline. It's like I got stronger "I will kill you, to make this world a better place" I smile at him while I place my hands around his neck and and start to choke him while digging my nails into his skin. He tried to pull me off, but eventually he passed out. I smirked as I returned to my mother. She was still alive and awake
"Y-you're a monster!" She said with shock
"Don't make me laugh you bitch. I bet you didn't even realize that Sadie was gone, did you?" I say as I place my hand on the knife that is still in her stomach
"Stop Cassie!" She shouts
"Oh hush mother, I swear you are always complaining about something!" I shout back at her
"Finish her!" The voices shout again. I pull out the knife and a pool of blood oozes out of her. I'll never forget the last thing she said to me
"You and your sister were nothing but a mistake. You are both worthless mutts" my smirk was replaced with a frown. A sudden burst of anger washed over me and my mom smirked
"JUST SHUT UP!" I scream as I feel the tears run down my face. I stab her everywhere almost 900 hundred times. I throw the knife at the unconscious mans head and it hits him right in between his eyes. I keep crying as I drop to my knees and I huddle up into a little ball
"Cassie, you need to come with me. The police will me here in exactly one minute" I heard a voice and I turned towards it, but before I could see who it was... I blacked out.
When I woke up, I was in a new outfit and my head ached. I opened my eyes all the way and looked around the room I was in. I looked at it confused. I sat up and slowly got out of the bed I was on. A figure appeared in front of me, causing me to fall on my butt. I looked up and saw a tall man in a black suit with a white face and head. I looked at the man with wide eyes
"W-who are you" I say lowly
"I'll explain it all to you once you get some food in your system" he says as he holds out a hand. I grab it and he pulls me up
"Follow me" he says. I nod my head
He walks out of the room and I follow behind him. We walked down a set of stairs and into a room with a big table and a lot of people sitting around it. I looked at all the people
"Welcome to the mansion" the tall man with a white face tells me. I look around at all the people. They were so unique. They all were kinda scary looking. I was honestly kind of scared. The people also looked at me. They inspected my every move and the room was silent until some one says
"Has anyone seen Sadie?" And everyone looks at that person with a panicked look, as if there was something I wasn't supposed to know
"Well, will you please introduce yourself" the tall man says
"Where is my mo-" I stop talking as I remember what happened just last night. The thought of my moms bloody corpse popped up into my head and it caused me to cry slightly
"Oh don't cry, you look like a wimp" the voices began to speak again
"You're the one that did this to me!" I shout back at the voices
"Hahaha" they laughed
"STOP LAUGHING!" I scream hysterically as the tears fall again. The tall man wrapped an arm around me in a comforting way but I slapped it off
"Don't touch me!" I shout as I turn around and hit a wall, leaving a hole
"Go get the nurse!" The tall man said
"Poor little Cassie, hahaha! You can't do anything about it~" the voices said
"GET OUT! LEAVE ME ALONE!!" I shout at the voices as I put my hands over my ears and a person wraps their arms around me and I start swinging my arms and legs. Some of the others try to restrain me, and when they get me down, they stick a needle in my neck that causes me to pass out.
"This is Cassie.... she is our new creepypasta. As you can see, she does have a mental illness.... it's gonna be hard to help her, so please be careful with her for the time being" the tall man told the others as the nurse carried me off.
When I woke up, I was in the same room as yesterday morning, there was just a group of people crowding around me. I tried to sit up but I failed to succeed. I looked down to see myself in a straight jacket, literally. I looked at the person beside me. It was the same man that brought me here. I looked at him with a cruel look
"Why am I in a straight jacket?!" I shout at him
"Because, you somehow managed to sleepwalk into E.J's room and you tried to strangle him" I look at him with shock
"Did I really do that? What is happening to me" I sigh as I lean my head back and look at the ceiling
"Well... would you like to know what is going on?" The man asks
"Yes, that would be splendid" i say
"Well... after you killed your mother" he stops for a second
"Ok, shut the fuck up about that..." i say as I try to hold back my tears. It's like they are trying to make me remember on purpose
"I apologize. Anyways, after the incident. You were obviously not in the right state of mind, so I took you in. Now, we are here. This will be your new home. Welcome, to the Mansion my child" the man explained
"But... what are these people?" I ask him
"We are Creepypasta. We murder for a living. It's just what we all do best. You however... are slightly different" I look around at all the so called 'creepypastas' again
"Murderers? That's absurd. And what do you mean I'm different" I say
"I mean, that you have an interesting bloodline. You, have somehow stimulated something in your body, that has effected your body. You are part demon, which means you do have two forms" he explains to me
"Wait what? This is all crazy" I look at him confused
"You will understand when the time is right. I understand it's confusing Cassie-" he is suddenly interrupted
"How do you know my name?!" I ask
"I know every think about you dear" The man says. I watch a girl walk out the room. She had long, curly brown hair that had red tips. Her back was turned towards me, but she looked really short.

Madelynn's POV
I left the room and walked over to Sadie's room. I walked in to see her just sitting on her bed and sighing
"How long are you gonna hide that you are here from her?" I ask Sadie as I cross my arms
"I-I don't know... I don't ever want her to find out" she says as she looks over at me
"Sadie, you can't do that to her. She just killed her mother for fucks sake. She needs some sisterly love. Forget about being Suicide Sadie for once in your life, and remember who you actually are" I say to her before leaving her room.
I sighed as I walked into my room and jumped out of my window, onto the tree that was next to it
"Well.. hopefully the new girl doesn't lose her shit when she finds out about Sadie" I say out loud, I spoke to no one in particular

Word count: 3,049

Well, that's chapter one. I literally tried writing that chapter 2 times now, but I didn't like the way it was going. I am actually kinda proud about this chapter :^D yeah, so anyways. I better stop typing before my fingers fall off, literally. See you guys laterrrrr

~ peace out ✌️

~ XanimeX4561

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2017 ⏰

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