#1 Red velvet cupcakes

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      The ingredients now all prepared, she happily smiled at herself. Today was the day, her plan will be finished. Today was her boyfriend's birthday, amd she was cooking some delicious red velvet cupcakes, his favorites. She took a big, cold metal bol, and put inside all the dry ingredients. The flour was first, then the salt, and baking powder. Then, she took a smaller bol, and poured all the wet ingredients. The vanilla extract, the milk, the melted butter, and the eggs. After combining the wet ingredients together, she got out of the fridge a masson jar full of red coloring, wich will turn the mixture into a bright, vivid red. She poured it into the mixture and mixed it until it was homogeneous.

   While mixing, she thoughed about the past few weeks that passed.
She waited her boyfriend for months now, but sadly, he had a girlfriend. She was called Jenna. She remembered how jalous of her she was. Jenna was rich, incredibly pretty, and she had the personality of an angel. She didn't want Jenna to be with the man of her dreams any longer. She wanted Jake. Luckely for her, Jenna misteriously disapeared one day. Jake was devastated, she was happy.
    She placed the cupcake mold on the table and placed the dough in equal portion in each hole.
It was risky to ask the boy out on a date only 2 weeks after the tragidy, but he accepted, almost desperate. They went out once, twice and now they had 10 dates, each one noted by herself on the calendar. But, there was one thing that annoyed her. Her boyfriend wont stop talking about his ex. How she had a beautiful smile, how she made corny jokes he would secretly love, how she had the mania of writhing every single moment of the day that were considered important, and how her laugh was gorgous. Only those though made her mad. She didn't work so hard to hear of Jenna each time they're out on a date.
   She put the cupcake mold -now full- in the oven. In 15 minutes, they'll be ready.
"He's going to love these cupcakes," she tough, " time to call him."
She walked out of the kitchen, picked the phone, and composed his number. She waited for his awnser with no stress. Once he picked up, he said a weak "hello?"
She proceeded to invite him to her house. He wasn't sure, she insisted. He ended up accepting with a false laugh. They ended the concersation before she rushed back to the kitchen to make frosting.

   The teenage boy arrived when the cucpcakes were frosted, and elegently placed on a blue plate.
"Surprise!" She sang, "Happy birthday, honey!"
The young boy looked at his new girlfriend, and the treats she made for him before laughing in surprise. The smile he made was worth all the hard work she made. She told him to take one. He happily grabbed one and took a big bite into it.
"They're delicious, thank you."
"No problem, they're all for you." She responded.
As he enjoyed his delicious cupcake, she watched him devour the blood of the missing girl.



I hope you enjoyed this first short story.
Next one is next week same day.

Hint: poison

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