School Shooting

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Bling Bling

The alarm echoed throughout the building as a red light flickered throw-out the hallway.

THIS IS NOT A DRILL! announced our loud annoying principle over the speaker.

The class quickly rushed out of their seats to the back-left corner of the room running past the desk and pushing each other out of the way to get the best place to sit. I was scared. Sitting in a corner I hugged my legs as my eyes filled with tears, What if this is the end? What if I never see my family again? I thought to myself as my teacher stormed to the door, turned off the lights and locked the door. Some of the buff boys had helped the teacher flip some tables over and put them in front of us for extra protection.

Hey, someone sitting next to me whispered as they repeatedly poked me on the shoulder. I turned to them and raised my eyebrow. Noticing they couldnt see me I whispered back, What do you want? Who is this? I hadnt paid much attention to who was next to me while rushing to hide.

Its me, Mike. he answered quietly, You ok?

I leaned my head on his shoulder and he put his arm around me to comfort me.

Suddenly a fist slammed multiple times on our door making a loud noise that filled the room. I grabbed Mike and hugged him as if it would save my life, and kids gasped. A chuckle came from outside the door followed by a loud bang as glass from the door shattered and a large hand reached through the small window and unlocked the door. I was paralyzed with terror. The hand retreated to the other side of the door. We heard as the hand scrambled for the Handel.

The door flung open and a young man who looked maybe in his 20s walked in the room. He was fit and could probably be a physical trainer if he wasnt here terrorizing high school kids. He wore a polo with a symbol on it but I couldnt tell what it meant. I had never seen it before. He had on some black jeans with it and had a pistol in his back pocket that he quickly pulled out as he saw the teacher and pulled the trigger without hesitation. The bullet tore through her chest. A high-pitched scream filled the room as she fell to the ground. No one dared to move. In a matter of seconds, she laid lifeless on the ground. We stared at the lifeless body in shock as the killer walked to the lights. Suddenly a bright light illuminated the room causing the class to squint and the killer to laugh.

Have I left yall in the dark to long? He snickered, Sorry I couldnt get here sooner yall had to sit through 1st period. I had got into traffic. He smirked as he watched us with interest, What? Have you never seen someone get shot? Dont you see this crap on TV and in video games all the time? Yall look terrified. He chuckled humoring himself.

Great, Im going to die to a comical sociopath. I thought to myself as I watched each and everything he did closely. He was obviously examining us. He was slowly looking over each of carefully. Abruptly a gunshot rang through the hallways followed by a low-pitched holler filling the school. My class gasped and our killer giggled while slowly shaking his head.

I guess the rest of my crew have arrived. He grinned as his gaze flew to me. I quickly diverted my eyes away from him and tightly squeezed Mike. Mikes hand found its way into mine and squeezed tightly to inform me everything would be ok.

I slowly started to look back at the killer to see if his eyes were still on me. As I looked up at his face he made eye contact with me and smirked. I stared at him from a distance to get a better see of him in the light. He had beautiful amber eyes and short pitch-black hair. He was young and when he smiled you could see his perfectly white straightened teeth. He had a tattoo on his neck resembling the same logo on his polo.

Are there any more open classes? A deep voice asked from outside the classroom.

How would I know? The killer responded, fixing his eyes on the man outside the room, Go around and check.

Ok. The voice simply replied as I heard his footsteps quickly retreat.

The killers enquiring eyes then found their way back to me and he smiled, Come here, he demanded.

I quickly shook my head and buried my face into Mikes chest. Mike wrapped his arms around me in attempt to show protection and the man laughed.

Did you think there was an option, because if so you have mistaken. Come here now! He demanded again, the smile slowly fading from his face.

She is not going anywhere, especially anywhere near you, Mike replied to the killer.

Angrily the killer brought up his gun and aimed it towards Mike.

Do you really want to end up like your teacher? The man asked angrily.

I quickly looked up at Mike than to the man. I couldnt let Mike die because of me.

Mike looked down at me and almost like he could read my mind said, You arent going anywhere, dont even think about it.

In frustration, the man loaded his gun and fired. I screamed and grasped onto Mike watching the bullet fly past his ear hitting the wall. The killer laughed then started to walk toward the class flipping the tables over and grabbing one of the girls sitting near the edge of our group. He flung her across the room into a table. He pointed his gun in her direction and shot. The bullet pierced through her arm and she shrieked. He sat beside her and grabbed her injured arm pressing deeply into her injury. She squirmed and cried trying to get away.

Please, please let me go. She begged to the man.

Now why would I do that? He laughed while enjoying watching her squirm, I mean maybe if your friend over there wouldve just willingly come to me, you wouldnt have to go through this, he sneered.


Hey guys so if you liked this please comment and vote so I will know if yall want to see more from me. If so I can try to upload regularly just know I am human and in high school myself with a super busy schedule. Thank you for reading this if you are. :)

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