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My PoV
I walk onto my bus and sit down next to my Beta friend Paris. "Hi Paris!" I say happy to get away from my mom. "Hey.." she responds. "Tired?" I ask, she nods her head. 'I know my stories make her laugh... Outta wake her up!' I then tell he a story about how I almost got ran over. Then we start to joke around with each other looking at weird photos in my camera roll.

It feels just like it started when it had to end. We both get up and walk down and get off the bus. "Where?" I ask she shrugs but makes her way to the cafeteria. I smile and walk over to her and we walk in. We eat and get out just in time. We jump into line Paris in front of me. I don't like that I'm an omega. I'm the only omega in my group!

I sigh quietly not wanting to raise any concern with Paris. Even though she so chill. Once we're i the room we do work and switch to math class. Yayyyy.... no not yay.


As the teacher talks I get bored and start doodling in my binder before I know it were working out problems and all that. "So we're gonna be watching a video about Partial Quotient. To help you understand and if you don't we will watch it again." She explains before going back to the problem, soon opening the video and as we eat it I kind of get it but not much. So we rewatch it.

Soon time for the best class in my opinion l...


I smile as we walk into the classroom writin our spelling words three times. And that's when the student teacher comes up and reads us a little story.

Soon we're back in our home room waiting for P.E.

(Something that happenes in school, can you spot me?)
As we dance I don't feel tired but I let the music run through me. Soon enough we're done and everyone claps making me smile and walks back to the bleachers and sit down.

(That's all I have for now)

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